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 New tappets on the way

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Join date : 2014-05-23

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PostSubject: New tappets on the way   New tappets on the way Icon_minitime1Sun Aug 24, 2014 12:59 am

Hey All,

Well, it looks like my bike will be receiving the new roller tappet kit next week. The flat tappets had become noisy and the cam was starting to show damage. The bike is a 2012 model purchased new in Oct. of that year and which apparently does not fall under the recall for this issue. I am thankful it is still under warranty though as the upgrade is pricey.

Would like to thank Pete Roper for his input on this subject over the years. I emailed the head service technician handling the installation some of the info. gleaned from Pete's posts concerning this problem such as inspecting the oil pump, cleaning the engine and back-flushing the oil cooler and feed lines etc.. The tech. assured me that he would like the bike to be running at it's best without having to go through this again and that he will see to it that those boxes will be checked off. I was a bit relieved that he did not take offense that I would forward such info. and possibly question his expertise.

Now-then, does anyone know if there have been any problems reported concerning the roller tappet design in the newer Grisos?

Thanks Pete!
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Age : 59

New tappets on the way Empty
PostSubject: Re: New tappets on the way   New tappets on the way Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:38 am

My roller tappets are AOK after 16,000 miles or so...

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2013 MOTO GUZZI STELVIO 1200NTX - Orange Blossom Special
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PostSubject: Re: New tappets on the way   New tappets on the way Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 26, 2014 8:45 am

Good to hear Steak. Hoping the design change has the issue put to rest.

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PostSubject: Re: New tappets on the way   New tappets on the way Icon_minitime1

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