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 OEM Turn Signal Fix

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

Posts : 70
Join date : 2017-12-07
Age : 55

OEM Turn Signal Fix Empty
PostSubject: OEM Turn Signal Fix   OEM Turn Signal Fix Icon_minitime1Fri May 27, 2022 3:01 pm

So, a while ago, I was checking the GRiSO for a longish ride I was taking the following day. When I noticed I had a drooping rear turn signal.
Not having another in the spares box, I decided to fix it temporarily. I disassembled the light, noted and removed the wires.
I took a razor and removed the segmented part of the rubber, then enlarged the hole in the 2 halves of the rubber with a 3/8 inch drill bit.
I cut a piece of 3/8 inch steel brake line slightly shorter than the reassembled rubber would be, deburred it, put a thin smear of clear silicone
on it and used it as a "shunt" to strengthen the joint. Factory connectors fit through the tube. wiped off the excess silicone, re-assembled the light.
Did the other side for symmetry. Worked great! Figured I'd order some new ones later or upgrade to leds.
But I just realized, that was 2 years ago! And they're holding up great. They still have some flex, but they don't crumble just looking at them.
I know this isn't the most elegant solution, but it's cheap, effective and invisible. Plus, having them tucked in a fraction of an inch should free up
about 60HP Laughing
Sorry I didn't take any pictures, I didn't think it was worth documenting at the time.

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