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 Be still my racing motor...

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PostSubject: Be still my racing motor...   Be still my racing motor... Icon_minitime1Fri Jul 29, 2022 10:20 am

Here is a new one. My motor refused to idle at a stop, instead running up to 2500 RPM until I had to shut the engine and restart.

It happened a total of three times in a short local trip. Cable is not hanging up, idles normally after restart.

See completely unrelated photo below.

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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: Be still my racing motor...   Be still my racing motor... Icon_minitime1Fri Jul 29, 2022 2:34 pm


I mean, idle stepper, maybe he not work, or he got goo in him. He sticky.

Turn key on, wait until pump finishes priming. Turn key off. Listen for whirring noise. That's the stepper.
Squirt throttle body cleaner in to the stepper hose while exercising stepper with GuzziDiag.

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PostSubject: Re: Be still my racing motor...   Be still my racing motor... Icon_minitime1Fri Jul 29, 2022 3:53 pm

Ooooh, I see. I will get to stepping...
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Be still my racing motor...   Be still my racing motor... Icon_minitime1Fri Jul 29, 2022 4:10 pm

You're not running your oil at the 'Full' mark on the stick are you?

Also, if it's been very hot recently and you've done any slow speed/commuting type riding the engine will suffer higher blow by due to the lowered viscosity of the oil which in turn increases crankcase pressurisation and taxes the condensor system more. That simply means that more oil vapour and particulate matter ends up in the airbox and getting dragged through the stepper.

Just let it find its own level and don't add any more oil unless it drops off. The bottom of the stick. Even then just add enough too bring it up between the marks, not to the full mark.

As you know, here in Oz it gets pretty damn hot in summer. I've yet to see a 1200 pump itself dry, even in the hottest conditions. A common sense approach, rather than rampant oil quantity paranoia, will result in it being far less likely to end up with a grubby stepper and the problems associated with it.

Note that even when the oil is dropping off the stick entirely there is still over 2.5 litres in there, more like 2.75/2.8. That's plenty, it really doesn't get worked particularly hard and no thermostat means that the cooler is always flowing maximum volume and it's the cooling circuit that needs the help most, not the bearings.
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PostSubject: Re: Be still my racing motor...   Be still my racing motor... Icon_minitime1Sat Jul 30, 2022 6:44 am

Pete Roper wrote:
You're not running your oil at the 'Full' mark on the stick are you?

I think that was what caused the problem. I keep it at the bottom of the stick and check regularly but I've only had it since November and there were two previous owners (they did 5K miles between them!).

I had a look in the airbox after I bought it to check for mouse incursions/go-fast air filters and there was oil residue which I cleaned up.

I will have another look while I am doing Mark's spray-and-pray fix.

I ended up blocking off the stepper on my '07 so I hope this one comes back to life.
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PostSubject: Re: Be still my racing motor...   Be still my racing motor... Icon_minitime1Sat Jul 30, 2022 9:42 am

The stepper is now in view. The hose I need to spray is the one that connects to the top left of the airbox, correct?
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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: Be still my racing motor...   Be still my racing motor... Icon_minitime1Sat Jul 30, 2022 2:56 pm


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PostSubject: Re: Be still my racing motor...   Be still my racing motor... Icon_minitime1Sun Jul 31, 2022 6:43 am

beetle wrote:

All done, testing to commence...

Check out ride was lovely.

Thanks for your help!
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PostSubject: Re: Be still my racing motor...   Be still my racing motor... Icon_minitime1

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