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 How to link an answer in grisoghetto

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Pawel Spoon
Pawel Spoon

Posts : 170
Join date : 2021-08-06

How to link an answer in grisoghetto Empty
PostSubject: How to link an answer in grisoghetto   How to link an answer in grisoghetto Icon_minitime1Sat Sep 17, 2022 11:44 pm

Hi there,
i do not love book marking pages, as i loose that always sooner or later.
so i try to create an md formated page with all usefull links for myself

very often the info is not in the post itself self but in the answer on page 12 Very Happy
so is there a way to create a link to an answer rather then the post in grisoghetto. some other forum's do support that using anchors or # ..

page seems to be encoded in the uri, but post ?

in the notification mails i can find that:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]ns=SyhCTl49VfU%3D#101061

so i assume #101061 might be the anchor to the post

thanks !

basically i want to achive that and avoid helper text like search for pete's answer Smile
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