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 Lots of CARC bike stuff going NLA.......

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3 posters
Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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Age : 67

Lots of CARC bike stuff going NLA....... Empty
PostSubject: Lots of CARC bike stuff going NLA.......   Lots of CARC bike stuff going NLA....... Icon_minitime1Wed Dec 21, 2022 3:40 pm

Double conrod for shock and 50mm TB's have just gone NLA.

Happy bloody Christmas gang.... Evil or Very Mad

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Lots of CARC bike stuff going NLA....... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lots of CARC bike stuff going NLA.......   Lots of CARC bike stuff going NLA....... Icon_minitime1Sun Jan 15, 2023 5:21 am

Might be also the case for:
Dust cover top boot for CARC unit GRiSO Stelvio Norge GU05358030

... and we all know that rubber made Italy is made out of cheese (?)
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Tim Henry
Tim Henry

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Lots of CARC bike stuff going NLA....... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lots of CARC bike stuff going NLA.......   Lots of CARC bike stuff going NLA....... Icon_minitime1Sun Jan 15, 2023 6:44 pm

Same for the GRiSO mid pipe what a pain in the ass trying to get a replacement in a resonable amout of time glad i sourced a aftermarket unit no dealer in usa could confirm a Arrow mid pipe is still being produced as it didn't show in catalog. Btw Pete give me your shipping info my new Ago pipe is suposed to show up tuesday if all goes to plan I have a UPS stoere around the corner from my condo or i can send by US postal service your choice
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PostSubject: Re: Lots of CARC bike stuff going NLA.......   Lots of CARC bike stuff going NLA....... Icon_minitime1

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Lots of CARC bike stuff going NLA.......
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