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 GRiSO Advice

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Join date : 2023-01-16

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PostSubject: GRiSO Advice   GRiSO Advice Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 17, 2023 10:33 am

New to this forum, but not new to Guzzies. I took a few years off from bikes and recently got back onboard with a Royal Enfield (two actually, a Himalayan and an INT 650) I will be selling my Himi... we moved and the nearest dirt road is over an hour away. I like the INT, but I miss the Guzzies I had. (Rosso Corsa, Sport 1200, and a Convert) When I bought my Sport Pete Roper suggested I would have been happier with a GRiSO (wish I had listened as the sport wasn't a good fit)
I was interested in the V85TT when I purchased the INT, but I went with the less expensive bike with a dealer nearby. The thing is it wasn't what I really wanted and I have been looking at videos etc for a while. While looking for a used V85 I ran across a 2015 GRiSO SE with 10,000 for $7900. I've been doing research and discovered this site and have been lurking. I was thrilled to see Mr. Roper is a frequent contributor (I had his very cool windage plate in my Rosso)
I want to have a bike I can ride from Baltimore to North Carolina to visit my brother,  one or two days on the road, then stop and rest, stay a while and ride back. I'm not looking for a daily commuter as the driving in the city is just crazy.
2015 GRiSO... what should I be looking for? As best I can tell the 2015 don't have the sump gasket problem. (?)
What about fueling... I'm not looking to make it into a hotrod, but I might go as far as to put a quiet aftermarket silencer to cut a few lb's (not into super loud bikes any more)
This is a huge left turn from my looking at V85's

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: GRiSO Advice   GRiSO Advice Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 17, 2023 11:18 am

With a 2015, the only thing to check would be the swing arm bearings and shock linkages. Kinda hard to do before purchase, but should be done ASAP afterwards.

2015 had the sump without the spacer. No issues there.

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