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 V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners

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rick pope
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PostSubject: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Thu May 04, 2023 2:46 am

He we took the V100 out last week and we draw some parralels with the GRiSO, we are all Guzzi owners (bar one) and 3 of us are Ex GRiSO owners, if you last as far as the chat at the end we discuss.

Cheers Mike

Bill Hagan, moto, lcjohnny, Nobleswood, RedMogAndy, Holger, Pawel Spoon and like this post

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Converted Duc
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Thu May 04, 2023 3:15 pm

Love the Lemon Drizzle Gang videos, they give a real world take on classic bikes that I may well lust after but will never own. From the look of it, the V100 appears to be a better rounded bike than the GRiSO, all be it a fugly cousin (in my opinion).
Part of my love affair with GRiSO is that at the end of every ride I can just sit with my cup of Coffee/Beer and just look at it. The V100 does not hold the same appeal (yes I know eye of beholder and all that), but I just cannot get past the rotated cylinders and exhausts...
Another great video Mike.

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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Thu May 04, 2023 4:00 pm

great vid cheers

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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Fri May 05, 2023 10:03 pm

Good video and discussion among knowledgeable people.

But I agree with 'Converted Duc' (above) that the Mandello just isn't beautiful enough for me. Not sure what it is (and I don't really care about the rotated cylinders) but the body design seems bland and even generic for me. I want to like it, but somehow I don't. Perhaps a test-ride will make me change my mind.

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Florida lime
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Sat May 06, 2023 6:43 pm

I have both a Tenni GRiSO and a V100S, and I find both to be beautiful in their own way.
I definitely find the V100 to be more rounded, more comfortable,  and more rider friendly, but that doesn't mean I don't love my GRiSO.
If you don't like the V100, you don't have to buy one !

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Pete Roper
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Sat May 06, 2023 6:58 pm

Florida lime wrote:

If you don't like the V100, you don't have to buy one !


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Bill Hagan
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Sun May 07, 2023 5:06 am

I didn't read bioman's comments as being quite as negative as did Scott and Pete.

He left open a test ride changing things for him, and that is always more informative than first visual impressions.

I remember the first time I saw a GRiSO in c.2005 or so.  It was at one of the big motorcycle shows in Atlanta.  "Revolting" is too strong about how I felt, but off-putting was certainly right.

Now, after 13 years of owning one, well, I look at it in the Moto Grappa and wonder how I could have seen it as ugly.

FWIW, if I were younger, I'd buy a V100.  I like it, and only wish that the S came in red, as that semi-active EC 2.0 suspension seems worth the extra coins.  That said, I need to read more of the ADVR V100 thread to hear what "little s" owners say about the V100 sans the Öhlins.

Back to Grisos for a moment.

I don't doubt that it's been posted here before, but I had not seen this vid until recently.  

If you can overlook the wrapped headers, it's worth skimming.  I did wonder if what the reviewer said -- at c.2 min -- about the can's rear being intentionally an "8" for the valves was true.  Apologies if that's old news, but whether truth or myth, the "8" bit was new to me.

Sigh; time's up.  Back to speechwriting.  My only riding today will be on the zero-turn.  Lordy, the green stuff grows fast here in May!


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Don Abbondio
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Sun May 07, 2023 8:03 pm

You have a zero turn Bill? I have mower envy

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Bill Hagan
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Mon May 08, 2023 3:03 am

Oz1200Guzzi wrote:
You have a zero turn Bill? I have mower envy

Ha! Very Happy

Ours is, however, a treehugger's special, an electric Ego, so you may want to find someone else's to envy.

It is "interesting" and, actually, more capable than I had expected.

It has many advantages over gas ones, but at a price beyond its shocking sticker at purchase.

Our place is 7+ acres, but most of that is treed.  I suppose we have 3 or so that requires mowing.   Moreover, with the possible exception of our small front yard, our grounds and "grass" are hardly of the golf-course greens sort.  In fact, we have some pretty rough places that we are reconsidering just letting go wild.

Anyway, for many folks, the battery life while mowing would be a warstopper.  I don't mind, as I'm rarely in a hurry and, besides, mowing is preferable to other tasks on "Kathi's List," so I can putz, hidden in the Moto Grappa with the GRiSO and other Guzzis, while the mower recharges.  

The sales folks will tell you that it will mow two acres before needing recharging, and that it will recharge within an hour or so.  The first isn't BS, but very much depends on blade-speed settings.  The second is another "it depends," but I have yet to figure out the variables.  In my experience, it seems to take two hours for a full recharge.  OTOH, maybe that's because I am playing with the Guzzis.   cheers

For first-time users, it's like riding a floor buffer as Kathi just found out while I was giving her a "driving lesson."

V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners I-f4FsQqg-L

V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners I-q9kk9Dp-L

V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners I-643DhDM-L

Bottom line?  I like it, and would buy it again, but it's clearly one of those YMMV things.

The V100?  Goodness, I'd like to have one.  bounce


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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Mon May 08, 2023 5:01 am

So, Bill? Is this a precursor to the Next Gen GRiSO being electric?

That'd be something.

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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Mon May 08, 2023 3:39 pm

Bill Hagan wrote:

I didn't read bioman's comments as being quite as negative as did Scott and Pete.

It was not meant at all to be negative!  In fact, I think it is a fantastic bike!  My only gripe is that it falls for me (!!) in a "desirable motorcycles"-category that holds many other nice bikes (a Triumph, a Yamaha, a Ducati, etc, etc), and it is not super-special enough for me to sell my current motorcycles, take my savings from the bank and run to the nearest Guzzi dealer.

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rick pope
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Wed May 17, 2023 4:45 am

Yesterday, I went to Cadre to pick up some maintenance supplies, and first laid eyes on a V100 in person. First impression was "WOW!!!" Second impression was, "Who designed those frigg'n ugly exhaust shields?"

The bike appears much smaller than I had anticipated. Perhaps a bit too small for a xxl person?

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Pete Roper
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Wed May 17, 2023 5:13 am

It's one of the things that sort of surprises but also baffles me. Virtually every 'Long time' Guzzi big-block owner always anticipated the arrival of a new model with breathy expectation of 'More Power' and 'Less weight'. It never seems to matter what whoever is running the show at the time of a new model launch does these same folks will a.) Complain and b.) Not put their hands in their pockets!

With the V100 they have, in a very conservative way, tried to address the the issues. It's a, (Basically.) 100-and-a-bit rear wheel HP bike but with a lot less weight and a far more compact motive and driveline format than the model it replaces which produced similar power and a bit more torque I'd guess and it does it from a smaller capacity engine.

And what happens? People, and this isn't a criticism of Rick or his assessment, say it's too small!

I mean??? What do people want? A motorcycle like a meringue? Lots of volume but no mass?

Sorry, I just don't 'Get It'. And that's fine because I don't actually want another 100+HP motorbike but I also can't understand why when Piaggio have seemingly done everything they have been told 'The Market' wants they appear to have a product that, once again, after an initial flurry of sales, looks like it will sell like week old rat sandwiches!

I hope I'm wrong. I really do.

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Florida lime
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Wed May 17, 2023 8:02 am

rick pope wrote:
Yesterday, I went to Cadre to pick up some maintenance supplies, and first laid eyes on a V100 in person.  First impression was "WOW!!!"  Second impression was, "Who designed those frigg'n ugly exhaust shields?"

The bike appears much smaller than I had anticipated.  Perhaps a bit too small for a xxl person?
I wouldn't mind the exhaust shields if they weren't the 2nd thing to drag in corners after the footpeg feelers.  scratch
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Florida lime
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Wed May 17, 2023 8:08 am

Pete Roper wrote:
It's one of the things that sort of surprises but also baffles me. Virtually every 'Long time' Guzzi big-block owner always anticipated the arrival of a new model with breathy expectation of 'More Power' and 'Less weight'. It never seems to matter what whoever is running the show at the time of a new model launch does these same folks will a.) Complain and b.) Not put their hands in their pockets!

With the V100 they have, in a very conservative way, tried to address the the issues. It's a, (Basically.) 100-and-a-bit rear wheel HP bike but with a lot less weight and a far more compact motive and driveline format than the model it replaces which produced similar power and a bit more torque I'd guess and it does it from a smaller capacity engine.

And what happens? People, and this isn't a criticism of Rick or his assessment, say it's too small!

I mean??? What do people want? A motorcycle like a meringue? Lots of volume but no mass?

Sorry, I just don't 'Get It'. And that's fine because I don't actually want another 100+HP motorbike but I also can't understand why when Piaggio have seemingly done everything they have been told 'The Market' wants they appear to have a product that, once again, after an initial flurry of sales, looks like it will sell like week old rat sandwiches!

I hope I'm wrong. I really do.
I really don't see how people think it's so small. I have bigger bikes, and smaller bikes, and to me, it's sized appropriately for what it is. At 6'2", my only complaint about the size is that MG doesn't offer the tall seat in the brown to match the original one one the Verde. No problem with the stock seat for rides under a few hours, but the taller seat would be nice, if it was BROWN.  Laughing
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rick pope
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Thu May 18, 2023 4:26 am

I'll clarify.... I said it APPEARS small. It was pouring rain, the bike was outside, so I didn't actually sit on it. It may well be fine for my frame, but a quick, soggy walk around didn't give that impression.

A friend got the first red one from Cadre, and I hope to soon get a chance to throw a leg over it and do a test fitting.

The sales person said they have a red base model available to sell, but everyone wants the "S" version.

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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Thu May 18, 2023 6:02 am

Watch the video I posted we discuss how it fits someone of 6 ft

Also one of my mates is a salesman in a Guzzi dealership and they have sold a lot of V100s

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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Thu May 18, 2023 12:20 pm

Ekimyrf wrote:
He we took the V100 out last week and we draw some parralels with the GRiSO, we are all Guzzi owners (bar one) and 3 of us are Ex GRiSO owners, if you last as far as the chat at the end we discuss.

Cheers Mike

I very much enjoyed the video and great music at both ends, but goodness gracious, you guys owe to spend a bit of time with some nice Italian girls and learn how to pronounce Guzzi the proper way. I’d have to rip my ears off if I hear Gheuzee one more time... affraid geek

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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Thu May 18, 2023 1:15 pm

I (Mike) on my intro and onboards pronounced it correctly
It was Dave pronouncing it wrong (he does know how) in his defence he has owned about 30 Guzzii’s from the Mk1 LeMans that we both went and picked up in 1977 right through virtually every model to his current day to day bike a V85TT

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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Thu May 18, 2023 7:07 pm

Ekimyrf wrote:
It was Dave pronouncing it wrong (he does know how) in his defence he has owned about 30 Guzzii’s from the Mk1 LeMans that we both went and picked up in 1977 right through virtually every model to his current day to day bike a V85TT

Yeah but how many Italian girls has he dated?? Wink
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Sat Sep 16, 2023 1:03 am

His wife would kill him
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Christopher Wilson
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Mon Sep 18, 2023 3:29 pm

Pete Roper wrote:
It's one of the things that sort of surprises but also baffles me. Virtually every 'Long time' Guzzi big-block owner always anticipated the arrival of a new model with breathy expectation of 'More Power' and 'Less weight'. It never seems to matter what whoever is running the show at the time of a new model launch does these same folks will a.) Complain and b.) Not put their hands in their pockets!

With the V100 they have, in a very conservative way, tried to address the the issues. It's a, (Basically.) 100-and-a-bit rear wheel HP bike but with a lot less weight and a far more compact motive and driveline format than the model it replaces which produced similar power and a bit more torque I'd guess and it does it from a smaller capacity engine.

And what happens? People, and this isn't a criticism of Rick or his assessment, say it's too small!

I mean??? What do people want? A motorcycle like a meringue? Lots of volume but no mass?

Sorry, I just don't 'Get It'. And that's fine because I don't actually want another 100+HP motorbike but I also can't understand why when Piaggio have seemingly done everything they have been told 'The Market' wants they appear to have a product that, once again, after an initial flurry of sales, looks like it will sell like week old rat sandwiches!

I hope I'm wrong. I really do.
The exact same thing was in place for every reiteration of the small block.
Next model bigger and better, and that would temporarily boost sales.
Perhaps listening to the public is not what's required here and the Italianess of old should shine through more.
"This is a what you are gonna get and you are a gonna love it" kind of thing.
Sales should be shocked and not predicted, thats the Italian way.
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:33 am

Just had a visit to a MG+RE dealer.

Not sure what I experienced. The V100 looks quite compact and the exhaust guards are an afterthought for sure, but I'm not sure if I am in favour of the more compact aircooled engine myself.
No doubt it is an exellent bike to ride but when it feels this natural I tend to shy away from it.
The design might be too slick for me anyway but I do believe there is a big market for it.

The GRiSO still gives me the looks of riding a bull and the massive engine still makes me smile every time I get in my garage. Even my mechanic is impressed by it's appearance.

I do understand MG needs to meet regulations and marketing, but I don't see the V100 as a "new GRiSO".
A new GRiSO might be a bored up engine of this 1400-2000cc ?

Btw I'm disconnected on the 2024 model range quite a bit. The new V7 engine+ headlights, V9 alloy wheels, V85 lambda sensor position. The models seems to be ironed out a tad to much for me...And the color shemes are quite dull IMO.

2 Decades ago I had the same experience with the Ducati brand. I was quite keen on the 888 and SS designs but lost interest in the brand after releasing the 916. Perhaps a liquid cooled engine isn't part of my riding enjoyment.

However! I did notice the same build quality of my former V7 classic in the Royal Enfield Classic350.
It was quite a joy to see this chrome/red 50's model is quite bulky and a beatiful tank design. It is very charming to see this bike has been crafted with great care and details but modern finish quality quite similar to a modern V7. One of the few bikes where is nothing left to be desired exept unbolting the rear seat.Royal Enfield amazed my by their bulky motorcycles. I thought they were much smaller!

Other than that, A Bellagio would be on my wishlist if I had not a GRiSO but that's just me, a 50yrs old fart. V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners 1f606
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Thu Dec 28, 2023 1:49 pm

ErikdeBrabander wrote:
...The GRiSO still gives me the looks of riding a bull...

V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners 01_eig11

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Signat17

“Danger + Survival = Fun.” - Neil Peart


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Don Abbondio
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PostSubject: Re: V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners   V100 Review by ex GRiSO owners Icon_minitime1Sat Dec 30, 2023 4:14 pm

here's my 2c


cool bike

even worse than the GRiSO for a passenger

faster lighter

stupid TFT dash and way too much electrical stuff to go wrong down the line

they'll come out with something better using a similar powerplant in the next few years, maybe.

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