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 Thrust Bearing

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Join date : 2018-05-23

Thrust Bearing Empty
PostSubject: Thrust Bearing   Thrust Bearing Icon_minitime1Wed May 10, 2023 1:41 pm

Pete Roper wrote:
Very early in the life of the 8V there was a tech bulletin about the thrust bearing. I don't know what exactly the issue was because I never encountered it but it was I believe something to do with premature failure. The solution suggested by the factory seemed at the time rather bizarre to me as it was the addition of a second thrust bearing on top of the original, there was also a *New* thrust cup but when I bought one to examine it turned out to be identical in every way to the one already installed! scratch .

There were two things though that really stumped me though. Firstly adding a second bearing does absolutely nothing to reduce the load it operates under. Sure it means the bearings themselves will run at half speed but it won't alter the load one iota. The second thing was that a lot of noise was made about ensuring the correct clutch pushrod is used, (There are four different lengths.) but when adding the second bearing absolutely no mention is made of needing to change the pushrod length! That would imply that either the length isn't critical because there is sufficient travel in the slave piston to accomodate the added depth of the bearing or that the need for accurate checking of pushrod length is bollocks! You decide!

Hi All

Since I'm in the middle of replacing the rear main seal, I thought it would be a good idea to also check the thrust bearing while the gearbox is out.

I remember there was mention of a Guzzi technical bulletin recommending the addition of an extra bearing and washer for early models.

I have also looked through the relevant posts on the forum and the most specific one is the above quoted Pete's answer, but I am still not sure whether to act preventively in accordance with the recommendation from the bulletin.

Below are the following photos:

1. Setup with TWO bearings and THREE washers within thrust cup
2. Setup with ONE bearing and TWO washers within thrust cup
3. All parts shown separately

Honestly, the setup with two bearings is strange - i.e. the position of the piston (pushrod body?) doesn't look logical at all.

I would appreciate any thoughts on this topic.

Photo No 1.
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Photo No 2.
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Photo No 3.
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Posts : 16
Join date : 2018-05-23

Thrust Bearing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thrust Bearing   Thrust Bearing Icon_minitime1Wed May 10, 2023 1:52 pm

Also, perhaps it is worth mentioning that the actual dimension of the bearing is 22mm (GRiSO 8V 2008) as shown in the picture. I mention this because in several places I came across information that SKF AXK 1024 Bearing and AS 1024 Washer match, which is obviously not true for this model/year.

I hope the information provided will be useful.

Original bearing (GRiSO 8V 2008)
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SKF AXK 1024 Bearing and AS 1024 Washer
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Thrust cup
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OEM part No
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