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 grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running?

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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Empty
PostSubject: grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running?   grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Icon_minitime1Fri May 19, 2023 2:30 pm

Here's a rant.

Parking at night, need to chain the front wheel up to something. It's really dark, I need two hands to get the chain through the spoked wheel and lock it etc. Unfortunately, I can't turn my headlight on because some EU d---head decided that motorcyclists are not intelligent enough to turn their own lights on and off at the appropriate times.

So I do it in the dark, time after time, swearing like a sailor. It does get old.

Or visiting my girlfriend who lives in an apartment block. As I ride down the back of the building I have more than enough momentum to cut the engine and coast to my parking spot, I do this on other bikes, kind of considerate to the neighbours at 2 in the morning. Of course, if I do it on the GRiSO, no more headlight! annoying........

progress isn't all progress.

Rant over.
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grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Empty
PostSubject: Re: grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running?   grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Icon_minitime1Fri May 19, 2023 2:37 pm

i use the roadlock
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Fra Cristoforo
Fra Cristoforo

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grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Empty
PostSubject: Re: grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running?   grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Icon_minitime1Fri May 19, 2023 2:43 pm

You can wire in a switch hotwire to a LED park lite in headlight bucket. That would be enough to see front wheel. Can't remember if there is one in your bucket.
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Pawel Spoon
Pawel Spoon

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grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Empty
PostSubject: Re: grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running?   grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Icon_minitime1Sat May 27, 2023 11:50 am

On an ktm it shines as soon as you turn on ignition. I hate that.
and battery isnt too big neither. A great combination.

i doubt that its due to some regulation, as it s exactly the opposite way on the ktm as on the guzzi.
some italian designer thought its convenient
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Empty
PostSubject: Re: grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running?   grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Icon_minitime1Sat May 27, 2023 1:50 pm

Pawel Spoon wrote:


i doubt that its due to some regulation, as it s exactly the opposite way on the ktm as on the guzzi.


The headlight goes on when I turn on my ignition on my GRiSO (in Canada)...
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Empty
PostSubject: Re: grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running?   grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Icon_minitime1Sat May 27, 2023 5:36 pm

The "park" light comes on when the key switch is on. The low beam comes on when the engine starts.

Is your park light not working?

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grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Empty
PostSubject: Re: grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running?   grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Icon_minitime1Sun May 28, 2023 5:00 pm

If it's just for locking the bike up when parked, turning the key fully anti clockwise past the 'lock' position will turn on the park light.
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Empty
PostSubject: Re: grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running?   grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Icon_minitime1Tue May 30, 2023 1:23 pm

yeah park light comes on, but only once the handlebars are hard left so not great illumination for the task at hand. I could modify it obviously but...

She makes up for it in plenty of other ways though.

If I could swap out that stupid reversed LH switchgear for something with an off/p/on headlight switch and the indicators and horn the right way round I would do it in a heartbeat. But you need that little button to work the dash, so I've never quite found the answer. Maybe some aprillia model??
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grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Empty
PostSubject: Re: grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running?   grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running? Icon_minitime1

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grrrrrrrrr why can't I have my headlight on when the engine isnt running?
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