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 Termignoni is it stainless

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Join date : 2023-04-26

Termignoni is it stainless Empty
PostSubject: Termignoni is it stainless   Termignoni is it stainless Icon_minitime1Tue May 23, 2023 9:42 am

I have a 1200 with the large 8v exhaust looks like an 8 from the rear. The bike came with a Termignoni which I want to fit but the clamp tube is cracking up. Is the standard Termi stainless or plated? I will have to cut off the 60mm clamp and weld on a piece of tube. I did try welding up the cracks but it is thin and my welding is a bit pants. Also the pipe is stained and if the welding works I will need to polish out the mark it’s about 150mm long and all round the pipe(corrosive liquid spill maybe). So are they stainless?
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Age : 63

Termignoni is it stainless Empty
PostSubject: Re: Termignoni is it stainless   Termignoni is it stainless Icon_minitime1Wed May 24, 2023 12:52 am

Yes it's SS according to the paperwork that I got back in 2015 when I bought mine....personally I'd go for an 'expert' to weld it....I use a local guy who basically charges £30 for each item (& that's usually aluminium as I've had some broken 'used' small block gearboxes !)

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Termignoni is it stainless
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