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 43mm fork bushings and seals

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Chris W
Chris W

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PostSubject: 43mm fork bushings and seals   43mm fork bushings and seals Icon_minitime1Tue Jun 20, 2023 10:40 pm

my seals are beginning to weep fork oil so I am going to use a seal mate to hopefully buy some time while I get the parts in to replace the the seals and bushings.
this would be my first time getting into the fork innards beyond changing the oil. I've looked through the various threads for some tips and am running into issues with the parts for this project.  Every web site I go to bases its parts search on the specific vehicle type. unfortunately, the GRiSO  isn't listed in a majority of them and they don't easily give you the manufacturers part number  (ie all balls 55-120)
so, I am stuck trying to figure out what other bikes info I can put in that use the same 43mm Showa forks.

ideally, I would like to get a one stop kit that has it all in one package but not sure what to plug into these search engines - any ideas/advice?

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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43mm fork bushings and seals Empty
PostSubject: Re: 43mm fork bushings and seals   43mm fork bushings and seals Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 21, 2023 1:57 am

All Balls 56-133-1


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I like to ride my GRiSO, no diggity, I like to rev it up..
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Chris W
Chris W

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PostSubject: Re: 43mm fork bushings and seals   43mm fork bushings and seals Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 21, 2023 2:19 am

NICE! (why couldn't I do that!?)
thanks Beetle!
so would the list of bikes on that link all have Showa 43mm forks?
next piece is the bushings
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: 43mm fork bushings and seals   43mm fork bushings and seals Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 21, 2023 2:42 am

Chris W wrote:

so would the list of bikes on that link all have Showa 43mm forks?


Quote :
next piece is the bushings

I've never changed mine. I wouldn't bother, unless they're damaged.

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I like to ride my GRiSO, no diggity, I like to rev it up..

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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: 43mm fork bushings and seals   43mm fork bushings and seals Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 21, 2023 11:38 am

I had good luck with the Sealmate plastic thing, it’s like dental floss for the forks.
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Chris W
Chris W

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PostSubject: Re: 43mm fork bushings and seals   43mm fork bushings and seals Icon_minitime1Wed Jun 21, 2023 11:47 am

Thanks again,
I have realized that I'm entering 2016 GRiSO (which mine is) and a lot of the searches don't recognize the later year models.
seems like 2011 is a good year
hopefully this help others with the later model bikes
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Chris W
Chris W

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PostSubject: Re: 43mm fork bushings and seals   43mm fork bushings and seals Icon_minitime1Sat Jul 22, 2023 2:16 am

update - seals replaced but after several test rides, one leg is leaking worse than before I changed the seals.  Mad
After thinking back, I had a recent introduction of my GRiSO to a full grown buzzard. This mangled my fender and launched the bastard across the road.
I'm thinking I may have damaged the outer fork tube ever so slightly and it may be out of round at the bushing/seal portion of the fork.

going to try another seal replacement with the hopes of it working.
If it leaks after this next attempt, I am guessing a new fork is in order?
Any thoughts on replacing just one ( of course it would be factory spec to match the good one) or should I do both?
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Pete Roper
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PostSubject: Re: 43mm fork bushings and seals   43mm fork bushings and seals Icon_minitime1Sat Jul 22, 2023 3:09 am

Very unlikely to have been bashed out of round. Is there any rust pitting in the chrome? This is the bane of Showa forks here.
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PostSubject: Re: 43mm fork bushings and seals   43mm fork bushings and seals Icon_minitime1Sat Jul 22, 2023 9:23 am

I agree with Pete that it is unlikely to be bent tubes, more likely you have just damaged the edge of the seal when fitting. I have just done mine and you need to use tape on the sharp edges to protect the seal.

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Pete Roper
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PostSubject: Re: 43mm fork bushings and seals   43mm fork bushings and seals Icon_minitime1Sat Jul 22, 2023 9:57 am

Cling wrap or even a plastic bag over the bushing while you push the seal over the bush. Then push the seal up the leg and pull the cling wrap off before assembling the fork and using a seal driver to knock the seal onto its register. Don't forget to put the dust seal on first like I have more than once because I'm an eejit!
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Chris W
Chris W

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PostSubject: Re: 43mm fork bushings and seals   43mm fork bushings and seals Icon_minitime1Sat Jul 22, 2023 1:07 pm

it's possible I damaged the seal, but I bought one of the fancy (and cheap) motion pro fork seal bullets in an effort to avoid damage.
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otherwise chrome was in good shape with no pits.
new seal delivers today, I will perform a more detailed inspection when I disassemble the fork this time

Oh - and those buzzards get pretty big! full grown are 3-5lbs with 6ft wingspan (according to google) and we collided doing 60-70 mph

thanks for the feedback
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: 43mm fork bushings and seals   43mm fork bushings and seals Icon_minitime1Sun Jul 23, 2023 4:07 pm

My experience, after installing new seals all was fine for a week or two then a weep started. I used the seal mate around the rim & found that a part of the leading edge of the had been damaged on installation, even though we’d used a plastic bag to ease it on. After a few rides the damaged part broke off & had caught under the remaining seal.

The edges are easily damaged.

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Chris W
Chris W

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PostSubject: Re: 43mm fork bushings and seals   43mm fork bushings and seals Icon_minitime1Mon Jul 24, 2023 4:15 pm

I replaced the leaking bushing - no visible signs of damage on the first one.
the new one seems to be holding cheers
I was meticulous about making sure everything was cleaned with a lint free cloth. I used the motion pro bullet and I put strips of tape over the holes on the upper part of the tube just to be extra sure not to damage the new seal.

I did however notice a suspicous section of the inner fork tube that was highly polished compared to the rest of the tube. not sure  how that would happen, I always make sure to follow the tire installation procedure so the forks don't get put in a bind.

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can't figure out how to rotate the image - it seems to rotate it when I upload!
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