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 End of a Legend

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: End of a Legend   End of a Legend Icon_minitime1Mon Nov 27, 2023 8:27 am

Rode to a "monument" to a very famous old time cowboy mostly in silent pictures. Not too far from where I live. Tom Mix "expired" on this spot in 1940. Crashed his convertible Cord there.
He was in 291 movies of which all but 6 were silent movies. Interesting reading if this document is readable.

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Tim Henry
Tim Henry

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PostSubject: Re: End of a Legend   End of a Legend Icon_minitime1Mon Nov 27, 2023 5:33 pm

I had a livestock farm in Pleasant Shade Tn about 30 years ago and the house was built at turn of the 20th century and the walls of the upstairs rooms were covered with newspapers from the 00's to about 40s and one of the news stories read "Tom Mix marries Queen of the bigtop" from the teens or early 20s there was also an article about how cigarettes can cure a sore throat. Update he married wife number 5 who was an airial performer in 32

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PostSubject: Re: End of a Legend   End of a Legend Icon_minitime1Sat Dec 02, 2023 4:09 am

I've been there! Heading from Tuscon to Phoenix a few years ago I happened upon the memorial and stopped and checked it out. Tom Mix was pretty important back in the day. His house on Central in Phoenix is now Los Dos Molinos, a great mexican place.

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