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 Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too!

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Bill Hagan
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Bill Hagan
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PostSubject: Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too!   Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too! Icon_minitime1Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:25 pm


Good morning from the Moto Grappa at the top of Virginia.

Regrettably, a GRiSO is no longer resident here, but I post now and then some ride reports for those who -- perhaps especially Down Under just now --  can only read wistfully about riding.

The “Bottom Line Up Front” is that the pix in this post -- cross-posted elsewhere, too -- are about a c.two-week, 3000-mile motorcycle ride with buds in a (successful) search for mutton and fried cheese curds (and beer, bourbon, & BS) in Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa. Hardly "epic" compared to Prudhoe, Ushaiai, and similar treks, but great fun for those of us who did it.

One pic now; lots more in the link that follows.

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Here are the details.

For the past several years, I and some similarly demented riders — mostly on Moto Guzzis, thus confirming the mental determination — have ridden to Daviess County in western Kentucky to eat mutton. Yes, it’s an acquired taste that few seem inclined to acquire, but as most here know, any excuse to ride will do.

As musician writer, and food critic, Tom Maxwell, recently wrote in a great piece about mutton, "Owensboro, which (somewhat brazenly) calls itself the "Barbecue Capital of the World," is located in Daviess County in the western part of Kentucky.

When there, we routinely go to the several local restaurants that feature mutton, e.g., the iconic Moonlite BBQ. The dispute about which is the best is a local spectator sport.

But our goal is not restaurant mutton, but a church picnic and its top-tier mutton.

There are quite a few of those church affairs, but my family’s parish — which we helped establish in the early 1800’s — is St. Mary of the Woods in Whitesville.

St. Mary’s has held these picnics for about 160 years. The first I remember was about 1957.

Unlike some church picnics (and many BBQ restaurants all over the US), St. Mary’s does not — Bill says somewhat snarkily — parboil the meat.

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We Guzzisti — and some other-brand riders who want to be like us  Very Happy  — go twice a year as there is a spring and fall “edition.”

Some of us launch from my place, the Moto Grappa, at the top of Virginia and ride to Owensboro. We usually take three days … because we can.   cheers

This latest event, held on Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, 26 May, is the subject of the first part of this post.

This “Mutton Run” differs from previous forays in a significant way, as some of us continued on after that in a quest for fried cheese curds!  

Two years before I retired in 2013, the Army HQ’s where I served relocated from Fort Gillem, Georgia, to Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois. I had not wanted to make that move, but am so glad I did. Why?

First, I was a geographical bachelor, so my honey-do’s were limited. Kathi, my Perfect Pillion & Polish Princess, has since caught up with the ones I missed (with interest  queen ). That said, as I took my Moto Guzzi Norge out there, and, while there, bought a GRiSO, I was able to ride every weekend … and just about did in season, of course. Yet, with proper gear tempered with common sense, the riding months were longer than I expected.

And, second, the “alphabet roads” — secondary, tertiary, and more — especially in Wisconsin’s "Driftless area” were grand. Having spent the previous 10 years riding in the mountains of Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina, and spoiled by the likes of the Cherohala Skyway, Blood Mountain, the RBRSH, Deals Gap, etc. after etc., I did not expect the fun I had riding in the Driftless.

While many know of this region — essentially where the glaciers “missed” — in SW Wisconsin, NW Illinois, NE Iowa, and SE Minnesota, it was news to me until I rode out there.

As it had been some time since I and Cap’n Larry visited and rode with me out there, we loaded our GPS’s with turn-by-turn maps of 33 of the best of the Driftless area’s “alphabet roads” that we got from Dale Hoke, Driftless Roads. We eventually combined two described on his site: the Pecatonica and Taliesin Routes, and touched on others.

Oh, wait; I forgot the “third why:” Fried cheese curds.   Thumbs Up

I’m not talking about what Culver’s has a “side.” What a pale shadow of the real thing. Culver’s does mighty fine with frozen custard and OK with “Butter Burgers,” but fried cheese curds? No. Sad.

As I said, for me, this was a 12-day, 3000-mile motorcycle ride. For some, e.g., Larry, it was as much as 4K.

Eight Guzzis were in the group — tho we never rode in maddening-for-all convoy.  We also had two “Other Brands” who joined along the way.

If you find the number of pix daunting, bear in mind that I culled the 1000 pix I took down to a more manageable 900 or so. OK, not that many.   Wink

The link opens in "landscape collage," thus allowing you to look at all at once rather than slogging through those individually.

If you view in that format, hover your cursor over each pic to see captions. The system truncates some of the longer ones.

You can view the pix in slideshow form so the pix are larger, and let it roll every 10 seconds or move them along manually more or less frequently.

OK, yes, the link at last …

Running Mutton & Chasing Fried Cheese Curds


P.S. Tom's Maxwell's (great) piece on Kentucky mutton is here: Mutton BBQ

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Fra Cristoforo
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Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too!   Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too! Icon_minitime1Sat Jun 22, 2024 10:04 pm

I've known that Jim character since early 80's, bought my new 84 LM3 from the shop he worked at.
Nice riding when it's not raining.

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rick pope
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Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too!   Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too! Icon_minitime1Sun Jun 23, 2024 6:46 am

And another "Bill's Most Excellent Adventures" is in the books. Bravo!!!!!

Funny thing......when you got to Dodgeville, my bride and I were in Platteville, just down the road, for a CBX gathering. Then there's that museum, featuring 3 Hendersons, all much shinier than mine, along with two CBXs, and to top it off, when you skirted Cincinnati, you came through our farm. Dang, I feel I was along for the ride!

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PostSubject: Re: Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too!   Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too! Icon_minitime1Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:24 am

Another great travelogue, Bill! Could only be better if there were a GRiSO in the pics. And mutton.

Pete (Street)

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PostSubject: Re: Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too!   Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too! Icon_minitime1Wed Jul 31, 2024 6:42 am

You had me at Cheese Curds.... tongue
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Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too!   Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too! Icon_minitime1Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:12 am

Why the fascination with mutton? I grant you it tastes good but lamb is so much better. You'll certainly pay a lot more for lamb here in Oz than you will for mutton, presuming your butcher actually stocks mutton.
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Bill Hagan
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Bill Hagan

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Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too!   Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too! Icon_minitime1Wed Jul 31, 2024 1:23 pm

BowraBoy wrote:
Why the fascination with mutton? I grant you it tastes good but lamb is so much better. You'll certainly pay a lot more for lamb here in Oz than you will for mutton, presuming your butcher actually stocks mutton.

Hater.  Mad

Ban him! Twisted Evil

Seriously, as I suspect @BowraBoy and others know, based on my semiannual photofests, especially as they often have pix of me at the Whitesville cemetery where "My People" are among the first "residents," there is simply a lot of near-tribal sentimentality in my love of this event, including its mutton.

My folks have been doing that picnic and mutton since before Kentucky was a state in 1792.  Before that, they likely did the same in Maryland in the 1640's when the first Hagan arrived as an indentured servant from Wales.  

Kicked out of Maryland, those same people were soon making bourbon in Nelson and LaRue Counties of Kentucky.  Bourbonists should be grateful that Catholics settled there instead of Puritans! cheers

As my forebears were, essentially, poor dirt farmers until the middle of the 20th century, lamb would have been an unaffordable luxury, as only "senior citizen" sheep were expendable enough to get slaughtered for food.

But, as I have said in many of my posts on this subject here, "Mutton is an acquired taste that has acquired me," and that's enough for me.  In fact, I am so fond of this meat from my heritage that I do not even care for lamb!

I would be honored to have you and other haters doubters join me sometime for a picnic at St. Mary's.  You are on your own getting here to the Moto Grappa, but after that, you'd have few expenses until you returned home, sated on mutton, beer, bourbon, and BS.   Very Happy

Best wishes,


P.S.  Sadly, I'll miss this fall's mutton picnic as I'll be doing this: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  bounce

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rick pope
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PostSubject: Re: Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too!   Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too! Icon_minitime1Thu Aug 01, 2024 5:51 am

Bill, if the stars align, I may be able to join in the festivities and frivolity next spring. My place isn't that far off your usual route to the mutton glutton fest.

However, I will say, after sampling your grappa, it's safe to assume your taste buds are warped. affraid
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Bill Hagan
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PostSubject: Re: Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too!   Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too! Icon_minitime1Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:04 pm

rick pope wrote:
Bill, if the stars align, I may be able to join in the festivities and frivolity next spring.  My place isn't that far off your usual route to the mutton glutton fest.

However, I will say, after sampling your grappa, it's safe to assume your taste buds are warped. affraid


As for the state of my taste buds and the cause, perhaps. Wink

As I mentioned, I will -- along with usual suspects AJ, George, Larry, & Scott -- miss this fall's muttoning edition ... albeit for a good cause.

But mark you calendar for Sunday, 25 May 2025. Details to follow in due course. As you probably know from slideshows, etc., our usual MO is to arrive in Owensboro on the afternoon of the Friday or Saturday before, overeat and imbibe, then head over to the picnic on Sunday a.m. cheers

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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too!   Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too! Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:45 pm

Cheers Bill,

I'm sure there would be many who don't share my love of lamb's fry and bacon in gravy.

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Bill Hagan
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Bill Hagan

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Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too!   Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too! Icon_minitime1Wed Aug 14, 2024 1:29 pm

BowraBoy wrote:
Cheers Bill,

I'm sure there would be many who don't share my love of lamb's fry and bacon in gravy.



I'd gladly give that a try! cheers

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PostSubject: Re: Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too!   Mutton & Fried Cheese Curds — OK, & Motorcycles, Too! Icon_minitime1

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