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 8v uneven pick up on throttle

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3 posters

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Age : 65

8v uneven pick up on throttle Empty
PostSubject: 8v uneven pick up on throttle   8v uneven pick up on throttle Icon_minitime1Fri Jul 12, 2024 5:14 pm

My dear old 2008 8v is running a bit rough.

She starts fine, but dies with any throttle at all until warmed up for a minute or so. When pulling away, there's a bit of throttle movement before the lump responds. It then feels like it is running one one until there's a tiny bit more throttle, and then the thing surges into life. This really uneven pickup continues on very small throttle openings, but feels a lot more normal with a bit more throttle.

What do you think?
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GRiSO Capo
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8v uneven pick up on throttle Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8v uneven pick up on throttle   8v uneven pick up on throttle Icon_minitime1Sat Jul 13, 2024 12:49 am

Check/adjust throttle cable play. Then perform a throttle body balance.

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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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8v uneven pick up on throttle Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8v uneven pick up on throttle   8v uneven pick up on throttle Icon_minitime1Sat Jul 13, 2024 1:57 am

Yup, give it a tune up and if that doesn’t work we’ll dig further.
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8v uneven pick up on throttle Empty
PostSubject: Re: 8v uneven pick up on throttle   8v uneven pick up on throttle Icon_minitime1

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8v uneven pick up on throttle
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