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 Name That Oil Leak

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Pete Roper
LBC Tenni
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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:05 pm

Gave the bike a once over today and noticed this oil leak where the right side intake joins the airbox. First thought was that it's due to the previous owner's mechanic over-filling the oil. But the clear overflow hose is completely dry, as is the left side junction. Any ideas?

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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:25 pm

Pull your air cleaner, guaranteed there is oil residue in the bottom of your air box.

Don't stress, its just part of the Guzzi life.
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GRiSO Capo
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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:48 pm

Mine's like that all the time. Razz

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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:13 am

What Wyne said Thumbs Up

The reason your don't see oil in the drain tube is because the drain hole is located at the center-rear of the airbox which is a little higher than the seam.

When I just got the bike, I filled the engine oil to the three quater point on the dipstick and after 10,000km I found oil stain on the airbox seam and also a little engine oil pooling in the airbox.

Airbox inspection cover under the battery
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The bike is on side stand
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This is the drain hole where the drain tube connected to, by the time you see oil in the drain tube it will be a small swimming pool in the airbox
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Right hand side "velocity stack", right below it is the seam where the oil seep out and appear on the outer side
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I have adjusted the engine oil volume to 1/4 on the dipstick and no more oil stain on the airbox seam since then.

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LBC Tenni
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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:39 am

Thanks for the information guys!  Your pics are very helpful Phang!  I'll adjust my oil level accordingly. Thumbs Up
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 19, 2015 6:06 am

Great community of Guzzi know how!
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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 19, 2015 6:34 am

Well at least you got oil. Very Happy
It's not like old British cars, one that doesn't leak is one with no oil in the engine.
Then there's Lucas, the Prince of Darkness... Laughing
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GRiSO Capo
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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:10 am

Great pics Phang! cheers

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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 19, 2015 4:07 pm

No problem guys.

While we are on the subject, here's some GRiSO porn Viva la Fiesta

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The two clear drain tubes are connected to the ----- (what is the proper term for this?) circled in red

Yellow circle connected to the blow-by system's "gut"

I like the air box design and the way it is integrated to the GRiSO very much, isn't it a beauty?
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Pete Roper
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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 19, 2015 4:44 pm

I would refer to them as spigots.
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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 19, 2015 4:57 pm

Pete Roper wrote:
I would refer to them as spigots.

Thanks Pete, another English word learnt today study
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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:11 am

Phang wrote:
Pete Roper wrote:
I would refer to them as spigots.

Thanks Pete, another English word learnt today study

I would have guessed an Aussie would have labelled them 'nipples' !!
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GRiSO Capo
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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:26 am

Read that somebody took out the rubber inlet pipe to the air box to make a bit of room for tools and such just behind it. Obviouslu without obstructing the opening would that affect the air flow into the filter box much and therefore affect combustion?
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GRiSO Capo
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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:39 am

No. Thumbs Up

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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Wed Aug 08, 2018 10:55 am

You think this is the same issue?

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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:48 am

Yep. Too much oil in the sump. I find about 3.3 litres is right for mine (despite the book saying 3.6 litres). Others will have different values - Why? It's Guzzi, each one is unique. Take a little form the sump, after checking where it is on the dip stick - it should be "about" half way between high and low marks.
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Diablo Loco
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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Wed Aug 08, 2018 12:19 pm

3.3 here too any more seems to end up on the left boot until it reaches its happy place.
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kiwi dave
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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:44 am

3.0 litres for me between oil changes, including filter replacement.
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GRiSO Capo
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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Thu Aug 09, 2018 12:22 pm

Having recently cleaned out the long neglected lower area of the airbox cos I had the same oil weep at the seam. I was thinking about the oil that had got into the TB's and how to squirt carb cleaner in there without having to go in behind the battery.

Suggestions ? scratch
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Thu Aug 09, 2018 12:56 pm

Pull it all apart and give it a good clean. If it's worth doing it's worth doing properly. The throttle body assembly can be disconnected from the throttle cables and the whole assembly removed for cleaning. Once done, it will make a difference, providing you don't touch the alignment in any way - apart from syncing the throttle bodies when you re-install them. Don't forget to flush your stepper motor while you're at it.
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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:29 pm

Hello, Ive got this oil leak in the joint of TB with the head, should I replace the gasket?. I've got also humidity, in both seams of the tube and the airbox. What should be done?

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Pete Roper
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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1Mon Nov 12, 2018 3:46 pm

The oil weep at the airbox join with the inlet is due to excessive oil in the airbox, probably due to the sump being over filled. Drain and clean the airbox and don't run your oil any higher than half way between the 'Add' and 'Full' marks on the stick. Then replace the inlet manifold gasket and see if it stops weeping.
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Name That Oil Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Name That Oil Leak   Name That Oil Leak Icon_minitime1

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