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 Took the plunge

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The Saint
Pete Roper
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PostSubject: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:09 pm

I am happy to report that I have taken the plunge and bought a 2010, GRiSO (red). It has had the roller tappet upgrade as well as a new oil pump (not sure why). I have confirmed this with the dealer. After market exhaust that sounds just right but get the original can etc with the bike. I was always pretty certain that I would own one but after testing riding it I was sold. Everything about the bike speaks to me. Beautiful noise and feel, Superb gearbox and just a pleasure to ride. I went to look at it with a mate of mine and he was on a Buell Ulysses. I had a spin on that after and I have to say there was no comparison. The GRiSO is far more refined. Pick it up tonight. Can't wait.

Mark form NZ
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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:19 pm

Yeah baby!

Oil pump replaced after tappet failure not unusual. I'm sure Pete will be along to explain why. Very Happy

Got Pics?

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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:24 pm

Yeah!  And this --> Got Pics?
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:19 pm

Yup, as the tappets disintegrate they push frag through the pump, (The pump is the only part of the motor that gets unfiltered oil, it just gets strained through mesh to get the big bits out.) this can trash the pump.

The fact that the bloke doing the work thought about this bodes well.

What pipe is it running? And piss that crappy aftermarket air filter off!

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:54 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:12 pm

Well done and welcome!!
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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:20 pm

Pete Roper wrote:

The fact that the bloke doing the work thought about this bodes well.


Amazing I say! Some mechanic worthy of being called as such... Thumbs Up
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:09 am

Yeah Mark, mine had pump, new crank and crankcases!!!!

Welcome aboard
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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:42 am


The pipe is a ADRENALINR. How do I go about getting a new key. The bike only came with one. Does it have to come from the factory?
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:59 am

Oh fuck. Having only one key opens a whole can of worms. Do you know the previous owners's user code?

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:07 am

I will try and find out. I can get the original owner details.  Does the dealer who sold the bike have the code.  I also see in the book  that if you have 2 keys you can reset the code without the previous code. Is this correct.

My mistake. I think you need the 2 original keys to change the code if the code has been lost.
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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:36 am

MVH053 wrote:
I will try and find out. I can get the original owner details.  Does the dealer who sold the bike have the code.  I also see in the book  that if you have 2 keys you can reset the code without the previous code. Is this correct.

My mistake. I think you need the 2 original keys to change the code if the code has been lost.

I had no code, one key that worked and one that didn't. Factory code is all zeros - mine was set to the last digits of the VIN, so I was able to get a new key enabled. Without the code, you need to clone your existing key...which can be done. I have a write up on how to enable a new key (if youhave the code) in another thread.

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:40 am

I will need to get a key first. I shall check with the dealer tomorrow as to the price and if they can get one.

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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:09 am

If you need a key I have a blank, it's an Aprilia blank but same chip and tech. I bought it for an RSV-4 owner. Never came to pick it up, or incidentally, pay. Which os another reason I'm glad to have pissed Aprilia off. A lot of their owners are needy prima donnas who if you don't fawn on them and I'm ply they are wonderful while they sneer at you for being a peasant who works with their hands. Fuck that. If I want to be patronised and insulted I can go down my local pub and have it done properly! I don't need some cunt with a set of new leathers trying to do it! Very Happy


PS. Key's yours for postage but you'll need to get it cloned. It will be fun though as it will make idiots brains explode when you start your Guzzi with an Aprilia key?
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:17 am

Pete Roper wrote:
It will be fun though as it will make idiots brains explode when you start your Guzzi with an Aprilia key?

Mmmmm! Exploded brains....

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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:47 am

Sorry, it's how we roll on Bungendore!

Hashtag, obnoxious arsehole. Thumbs Up Very Happy
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 21, 2015 2:52 am

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:09 am

Aprilia key on a GRiSO... I like that.
Sounds like something I'd do just for fun. Very Happy
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The Saint
The Saint

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 21, 2015 6:00 am

On ya matey
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:20 am

When I bought my 2007 GRiSO I was told by the dealer that the first owner had lost 1 of his original keys. So I got 3 keys from my MG dealer: 1 remaining original MG key and 2 new Aprilia keys. Only 1 of the Aprilia keys works, but the other one can be programmed in case I lose one of the first 2.

Complicated story meant to corroborate Pete's suggestion of using an Aprilia key for your GRiSO.
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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:29 am

Thanks Pete. Really appreciate it. If you want something for the key as well just include in the price.

My email is [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. Send me through your bank details and the cost and I will make a transfer.

Cheers Mark
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Bill Hagan
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Bill Hagan

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:33 am

opc wrote:
Yeah!  And this --> Got Pics?

He's being kind.  

We who own red Grisos feel an obligation not to make those with other shades feel as if they have somehow missed the complete GRiSO experience.

No need to thank me; it's what I do.  Very Happy

Oh, and welcome, Mark.

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 21, 2015 6:44 pm

Looks as though I may have the code from the original owner. Shall try tonight.
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Guzzi Cat
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Guzzi Cat

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:54 pm

Good stuff MV, congrats,

Pete Roper wrote:
needy prima donnas who if you don't fawn on them and I'm ply they are wonderful while they sneer at you for being a peasant who works with their hands. Fuck that. If I want to be patronised and insulted I can go down my local pub and have it done properly!

Shit, Pete drinks in my local,

How come the quote from Pete is not in green writing? I love Tenni Green writing!! Question Wow its green now, must have been hallucinating again. Surprised

Last edited by Guzzi Cat on Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:19 am; edited 1 time in total
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Andy in NZ
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Andy in NZ

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PostSubject: Re: Took the plunge   Took the plunge Icon_minitime1Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:32 pm

Great stuff Mark.
Welcome to the fold.
I expect to hear you howling around the Coromandel loop in the not too distant.
Let the fun begin.
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