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 Video Recording a long journey (alternative to GoPro)?

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Join date : 2021-05-16

Video Recording a long journey (alternative to GoPro)? Empty
PostSubject: Video Recording a long journey (alternative to GoPro)?   Video Recording a long journey (alternative to GoPro)? Icon_minitime1Tue Aug 23, 2022 8:23 pm

Hi all.

Long trip coming up, multiple days of 600+ kms. Wanting to record the bike travelling down the road: create much footage, then edit what I want later ("post production").

  • use hyperlapse/timewarp (one frame every 2-to-5 seconds, depending on how boring the scenary)
  • image stabilisation
  • recording session lasting multiple hours (ideally 3-4 hours) under hyperlapse/timewarp.
  • powered externally.

GoPro Hero 10 exists. I'm thinking I'm approaching this wrong. All a GoPro is, is

  • waterproof and shockmount housing with mounting points
  • Lens + image sensor
  • controller software + buttons/user interface
  • power supply/batteries
  • image/file buffer and storage.
  • hardware interface/ports/cable connections

But is there another way of doing this that I haven't thought of?

Thanks for your interest and input.
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Video Recording a long journey (alternative to GoPro)?
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