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 Givi fly screen

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Givi fly screen   Givi fly screen Icon_minitime1Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:30 pm

Got this one from Guzzitech, nice bracket that fit with no issues. It's in gloss black, but can be had in smoked-clear. I'm planning to paint it at some point though not sure what. At least matte finish if nothing else. To match the red (envisioning a red/black design in keeping with the tank and other body bits) I was quoted somewhere north of $400 US by a custom moto paint shop. People tie up a lot more than that in paint on some of these custom motorcycles, but I think it might be money better spent elsewhere.

I like the look a lot- not sure the photos do it justice.

Oh yeah, stuck a tail tidy on plus the radiator grill. Still have a few more things I'd like to do to it. Got some time on my hands- don't think spring is coming early this year.

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PostSubject: Re: Givi fly screen   Givi fly screen Icon_minitime1Thu Feb 12, 2015 9:54 pm


Great looking bike. I hope to have one of those one day. It's my understanding 2015 will be the last model year for the awesome GRiSO. What the fuck are they thinking? But I'm going to wait until I can find one with a couple thousand miles on it, for sale by someone who just doesn't "feel" the GRiSO vibe the way the rest of us here in the Ghetto do. I'm currently at 45,000 miles on my '07 1100 and figure I'll take her to an even hundred kay before she retires.

What model Givi fly screen are you  sporting there? I originally had a Givi A770 on the GRiSO Rosso (LEFT) which, unfortunately, I trashed/crashed in the Canadian Yukon last summer (CENTER) along with several ribs and a spleen. I liked the way the A770 looked well enough, but discovered that it has since been discontinued. I did manage to find a used Givi A750 on FleaBay (RIGHT), and that's okay too, similar, but a somewhat pared-down profile. But to my eye, none of these, yours nor either of mine, are exactly what the GRiSO's handsome face really calls for. I keep fantasizing about creating my own custom version that meets my demanding aesthetic requirements and functions as well as these cheaper, after-market shields. Haven't gotten around to it yet, and probably never will. Plus, if it really excels, everybody will want one and then I'll find myself in that unenviable position of having to market them. Worse, having to repeat myself. The pleasure for me comes in creating something new and unique - once.

By the way, I'm too cheap (poor) to pay a custom painter three hundred bones to paint a wind screen - I rattle-canned these myself and once you get a few bugs splattered on them, no one can tell the difference.

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In case you're interested, below is a picture of the other side of the fairing. I was always annoyed by the harmonic vibration of the Givi fairings so I fabricated a pair of stainless steel struts to stiffen the bugger. Originally, these were symmetrical, right and left, but when I later added a radar detector, I fashioned a new strut for the left-hand side to accommodate the detector's mounting bracket.

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Givi fly screen   Givi fly screen Icon_minitime1Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:44 am

Hi Street. Thanks for the kind words. Yeah, I can't hardly believe that Piaggio/MG will discontinue the GRiSO after 2015. I think history will show it to be one of the greatest icons of the marque. You've probably seen it suggested elsewhere on this forum that the reason behind it might be the lack of a place to put the electronics and mechanicals for ABS, whilch will be mandatory from 2016 on in the E.C. I've seen a rendering, but only that (artist's conception) of a GRiSO replacement that might have their first fully liquid cooled transverse V-twin with downdraft intake tract etc., but I don't know if that will hold any appeal for me. In any case, I just barely got this one, so I'll definitely be holding on to it for a long time to come. It's the nicest bike I've ever had and probably ever will have.

Man, there are so many screen options out there, but I wanted to go with something minimalist, and not necessarily one that integrates with the head light.

I believe the one I have is this one: Givi  universal fly screen. This is sold by Givi sans bracket. If you want one with bracket the cost differential is about $40, sold by Guzzitech. It can be found here:Givi fly screen by Guzzitech. Todd offers it in transparent-smoked, or the opaque black gloss as on mine. I actually thought I had ordered the smoked one but I guess I confused "smoked" with "charcola", and ended up getting the one you've seen in the photos. Serendipity I guess, as I'm happier with the one I have on now.  IMO they both look good though.

The Guzzitech bracket mounts using the bosses underneath the triple clamp, with the bracket coming forward then over the instrument cluster. I haven't an idea yet of how robust it will prove to be at the ton an above, but I won't be doing that anyway. Sounds like it could be a concern for you though. Here are 2 pics to give you an idea.

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I think it should be ok for the speeds I'll be doing but I wouldn't be surprised if it buzzes a bit at some point. Brackets similar to what you've fabricated would always be an option, I'm sure.

That Givi 750 does look nice, and no doubt would give you a fair bit more wind protection than my little fly screen. Todd's a fan of what I have though, and it's what he has mounted on his rent-a-Guzzi GRiSO. He told me that it'll surprise you how well it blocks the wind off your torso. I'm certainly keen to find out first hand.


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PostSubject: Re: Givi fly screen   Givi fly screen Icon_minitime1Fri Feb 13, 2015 11:39 pm

Don't worry about the strength or buzzing Ronbo. The bracket you have is more robust than the original guzzi items. Yours has a brace connecting them directly behind the screen. I've got the original guzzi item and this is just 2 support bars, 1 on each side and they haven't been a problem since fitting in 2007. Although I did fit new rubber well nuts to the screen last year.
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PostSubject: Re: Givi fly screen   Givi fly screen Icon_minitime1Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:50 pm

Hi Ronbo, might I suggest a front guard extender too.
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PostSubject: Re: Givi fly screen   Givi fly screen Icon_minitime1Mon Apr 20, 2015 3:17 pm

I have considered Dart or Airblade flyscreens--the latter is about half the price; I would like to paint whatever I get to match the matte finish on my 2013 GRiSO--any advice,opinions?
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PostSubject: Re: Givi fly screen   Givi fly screen Icon_minitime1Tue Apr 21, 2015 12:41 am

Looks a good screen Ron. Amazing how that colourscheme along with the Black ones really makes the Silver valve covers show up.

Makes such a difference when people take the time to post pictures - thanks.
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PostSubject: Re: Givi fly screen   Givi fly screen Icon_minitime1

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