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 HANGBAR is now on ebay

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Posts : 175
Join date : 2013-11-07
Age : 79

HANGBAR is now on ebay Empty
PostSubject: HANGBAR is now on ebay   HANGBAR is now on ebay Icon_minitime1Sun 15 Mar - 17:46

If you want to buy HANGBAR : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

For the previous Tanklock Adapter buyers I will make 10% discount. Discount ($6.9) amount will be refunded to your paypal account.
This is also applicable to buyers who buys Tanklock Adapter and Hangbar at the same time.
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Posts : 4
Join date : 2015-10-01
Age : 67

HANGBAR is now on ebay Empty
PostSubject: Re: HANGBAR is now on ebay   HANGBAR is now on ebay Icon_minitime1Thu 1 Oct - 17:40

Hello Okuraner,
Hope all is well! I am hoping to reach you to see if you have a HANGBAR set available to purchase?
I checked out eBay and see that you have other items actively listed. I wrote you a note via eBay. Please holler if you do have a HANGBAR for sale. I actually am a mechanical engineer, but not too proud to recognize a great solution that will keep me riding verses wrenching. I can make PayPal payment, may e best through an eBay listing, but however works best for you. I am on San Jose, California.
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HANGBAR is now on ebay
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