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 Hamlin has a Stelvio shock on Ebay $200-ish

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Hamlin has a Stelvio shock on Ebay $200-ish Empty
PostSubject: Hamlin has a Stelvio shock on Ebay $200-ish   Hamlin has a Stelvio shock on Ebay $200-ish Icon_minitime1Wed Feb 01, 2023 4:33 pm

Just an FYI...

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Hamlin has a Stelvio shock on Ebay $200-ish Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hamlin has a Stelvio shock on Ebay $200-ish   Hamlin has a Stelvio shock on Ebay $200-ish Icon_minitime1Thu Feb 02, 2023 5:17 am

Thanks Ownr, I'll give it a new home and maybe stand up less often when crossing cattle guards and such.
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rick pope
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
rick pope

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Hamlin has a Stelvio shock on Ebay $200-ish Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hamlin has a Stelvio shock on Ebay $200-ish   Hamlin has a Stelvio shock on Ebay $200-ish Icon_minitime1Thu Feb 02, 2023 6:16 am

 It's a pita getting the old shock out.  I took mine out the top.  I have a factory work stand on board, if you would like to use it, though I imagine you have an assortment of devices for holding items aloft.

EDIT: It just dawned on me, to use the stand, you need the spools. If you have the spools, you likely already have the stand. Senior moment.....
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Hamlin has a Stelvio shock on Ebay $200-ish Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hamlin has a Stelvio shock on Ebay $200-ish   Hamlin has a Stelvio shock on Ebay $200-ish Icon_minitime1Thu Feb 02, 2023 5:45 pm

Hey guys,there is another stelvio shock with the rocker & linkage for sale on ebay from mototech271 for $189 plus shipping from Texas plus several other good parts including a set of headers & pretzel pipe
for $239 (I JUST bought a pretzel for $199 from Hamlin in Connecticut) from a 2014 GRiSO.
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Hamlin has a Stelvio shock on Ebay $200-ish Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hamlin has a Stelvio shock on Ebay $200-ish   Hamlin has a Stelvio shock on Ebay $200-ish Icon_minitime1

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Hamlin has a Stelvio shock on Ebay $200-ish
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