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 now I truly understand...

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Join date : 2015-04-09
Age : 50

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PostSubject: now I truly understand...   now I truly understand... Icon_minitime1Mon Apr 20, 2015 6:20 pm

So I have been lusting after a GRiSO for many years and last week I got my dream bike.  I had only ridden a gross twice before and for the past week I have been loving it by riding it around town to and from work short little runs it has been great.

Today I took it out for my first real ride on it, WOW  about 200 miles long sweeping 2 lane through eastern washington and idaho.  What an amazing bike mostly ridden 75-90 mph and it was flawless.  gets a little tough to hang on after 90 but it was worth it.  I am truly sorry that I waited as long as I did to get one.  2006 black 1100 with 5000 miles bone stock.  I can't wait for more rides and maybe hooking up and meeting some of the great people on this board.  

And no I don't have pictures sorry cheap cell phone and no camera for now, but pictures will be presented to the masses once i have picked up a camera or better phone.
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PostSubject: Re: now I truly understand...   now I truly understand... Icon_minitime1Mon Apr 20, 2015 9:34 pm

Nice, Derby.

I won't be there this weekend, but there's a Northwest Guzzi gathering in Fossil, Oregon. Check out this link: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] to the Washington Chapter of the MGNOC and go to the calendar section. Great group of folks over here on the west side of the state and lots of interaction with the Oregon Guzzi crowd. You'd be welcomed with open arms and there will be lots of folks there with cameras who can get the job done for you. The highlight of this particular camp-out is a bowling ball cannon!

Pete (Street)
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Age : 50

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PostSubject: Re: now I truly understand...   now I truly understand... Icon_minitime1Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:23 pm

That sounds like a blast, but unfortunately I work fri/sat for now. I may have to try and get over for a sunday meetup one of these days though. Early enough start and I think I could be there for 10. One of these days I will make it to a guzzi gathering.

that bowling ball cannon sounds great sad I have to miss that.

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: now I truly understand...   now I truly understand... Icon_minitime1Mon Apr 20, 2015 11:39 pm

Hi Derby, it's amazing just how much better the GRiSO is at speed with a small perspex fairing above the headlight. It gets rid of the wind buffeting and hammering on your upper body and makes those high speed squirts much more fun cheers
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Join date : 2015-04-09
Age : 50

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PostSubject: Re: now I truly understand...   now I truly understand... Icon_minitime1Mon Apr 20, 2015 11:46 pm

thanks Ron I will look into it.
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PostSubject: Re: now I truly understand...   now I truly understand... Icon_minitime1

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