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 I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start

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I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Empty
PostSubject: I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start   I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Icon_minitime1Wed 29 Apr 2015, 05:21

Hi Friends
I have a big problem of starting my GRiSO. Second problem: There is no Moto Guzzi service in Ankara. Third problem : I have almost no idea about circuits.
Event : Saturday morning, I started my bike and went shopping mall. Stoped there, did some shoping, and about after 30 minutes later, when I tried to return back home, I put on key, turned it. Nothing happened! No lights on dashboard! Tried several times off and on, and finally I read something on the screen, was some code ending with 022 (I couldn't catch the beginning of the message) Then everthing turned to normal but clock, mileage and gas consuming data was resetted. Pushed start button and it started. I returned back home.
Monday morning, It started without any problem. I went to bank which is about 500 m. from home. Stoped there, and after 5 minutes it did not start. It did the same thing as it did on saturday, but this time when I pushed the start button, I only heard "click" sound and screen went out. I thought I am out of battery. I called my wife. She came with the car with battery jumpers. I connected with jumpers. No!.... It did not start and I only got "click" sound for about half an hour. So I called bike service, they came and load up bike on their truck and we went together to general bike service.
They took out battery, put a new one. Nothing is changed. Just a "click"...
Now they say there is no problem with starter motor, selenoid and relay and they said it may be the problem with ECU. I tried to get in the menu. Cleared fault codes and reset without any error messages. So I think I don't have any problem with ECU.
Bike still don't start. I have all of the maintanence and service manuals. I read them from beginning to the end and they say nothing about this problem.
Could you give me any help? What will be your advice?
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start   I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Icon_minitime1Wed 29 Apr 2015, 05:50

Sounds like dirty/corroded dattery terminals or the mount where the earth strap goes, (Under the starter motor cover on the LH side.). Most likely the terminals. Remove the battery abd have at the terminals and the cable ends with a wire brush and some wet and dry paper then reconnect after puting some Vaseline or other terminal protectant on the posts. See if that cures it.

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I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start   I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Icon_minitime1Wed 29 Apr 2015, 06:14

Thanks Pete. I'll go to service this morning and do that. I let you know about the result.
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I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start   I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Icon_minitime1Wed 29 Apr 2015, 19:05

Voila! It worked. As Pete wrote, I cleaned all terminals, sockets, earth strap but unfortunately it did not start. Then, through searchin internet, by chance I found "Allegato M-605" which is Moto Guzzi Technical Training February 2010. This 59 pages file is real life saver. On page 52, there is a section with head line "Problem solving course Sheet No:20 Starting Failure Applicability : All models.
I copied and paste the solution : "CAUSE: Insufficient cross section of the +12V wire energising the starter relay.
a) Identify the starter relay (orange/yellow, yellow, brown/pink and red/black cables)
b) Remove the relay and detach the Faston connector from orange/yellow cable, pushing
the tab down with a pin.
c) Prepare the additional length of cable (cross section 2.5mm2, as long as necessary)
d) Fit the Faston connector with the tab on the relay connector instead of the orange/yellow
e) Insulate the Faston connector from the previously disconnected orange/yellow cable.
f) Disconnect the Faston connector from the starter motor and fasten to the wiring harness
with a clamp to prevent it from dropping onto the silencer.
g) Connect the Faston on the additional cable in place of the old Faston connector.
h) Fasten the additional cable with the same clamp used to secure the starter cables"

It really worked. Now I wonder what are electrical engineers in Moto Guzzi doing all day long. Why don't they produce problem free motoryles.
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start   I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Icon_minitime1Wed 29 Apr 2015, 19:28

Interesting. It's a problem commonly refference to as 'Startus Interuptus'. What makes your case a bit different is the dash blanking out. This is usually the result of dirty connections as load causes such a severe voltage drop as to kill the entire electrical system. Good it was an easy fix.

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I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start   I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Icon_minitime1Thu 30 Apr 2015, 00:05

Since Italian lady started roaring, I became cheerfull again.
I was going to introduce you something new this morning but I was paniced because of not starting bike.
Now it is time to introduce my new product. But I want to keep a surprise for a small period and ask a question about that.
What are that staff for? It is surely for GRiSO. Please write your answers.
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I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start   I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Icon_minitime1Fri 01 May 2015, 02:51

Brackets for saddlebags (paniers)?
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I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start   I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Icon_minitime1Fri 01 May 2015, 02:59

Ahh - just read [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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Posts : 713
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Age : 61

I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start   I have a big problem : GRiSO 1100 won't start Icon_minitime1Wed 02 Mar 2022, 17:45

okuraner wrote:
Hi Friends
I have a big problem of starting my GRiSO. I have almost no idea about circuits.

I copied and paste the solution : "CAUSE: Insufficient cross section of the +12V wire energising the starter relay.
a) Identify the starter relay (orange/yellow, yellow, brown/pink and red/black cables)
b) Remove the relay and detach the Faston connector from orange/yellow cable, pushing
the tab down with a pin.
c) Prepare the additional length of cable (cross section 2.5mm2, as long as necessary)
d) Fit the Faston connector with the tab on the relay connector instead of the orange/yellow
e) Insulate the Faston connector from the previously disconnected orange/yellow cable.
f) Disconnect the Faston connector from the starter motor and fasten to the wiring harness
with a clamp to prevent it from dropping onto the silencer.
g) Connect the Faston on the additional cable in place of the old Faston connector.
h) Fasten the additional cable with the same clamp used to secure the starter cables"

It really worked. Now I wonder what are electrical engineers in Moto Guzzi doing all day long. Why don't they produce problem free motoryles.

You are much more clever than you give yourself credit for Cool

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