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 Anybody fitted shad 3P brackets to his GRiSO?

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Join date : 2015-08-09

Anybody fitted shad 3P brackets to his GRiSO? Empty
PostSubject: Anybody fitted shad 3P brackets to his GRiSO?   Anybody fitted shad 3P brackets to his GRiSO? Icon_minitime1Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:00 pm

Good day everybody, I looking at getting side cases for my GRiSO and the only thing not hideous is the 3P system by shad (it would also fit my top case) sadly enough they dont make brackets for the GRiSO, anybody have any experience with that? any info apreciated thanks
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Anybody fitted shad 3P brackets to his GRiSO? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody fitted shad 3P brackets to his GRiSO?   Anybody fitted shad 3P brackets to his GRiSO? Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:53 am

Hi, I am looking for the same thing. Did you find a solution ? If you would have the bar dimensions, it could be made.
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Anybody fitted shad 3P brackets to his GRiSO? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody fitted shad 3P brackets to his GRiSO?   Anybody fitted shad 3P brackets to his GRiSO? Icon_minitime1Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:57 am

I'm looking at the same problem. Shad does NOT make a 3P mounting rack to fit the GRiSO. I am currently investigating which 3P mount may come closest to the GRiSO mounting spots, and then bring that rack to my local welder guy and have it modified to fit.
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Anybody fitted shad 3P brackets to his GRiSO? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody fitted shad 3P brackets to his GRiSO?   Anybody fitted shad 3P brackets to his GRiSO? Icon_minitime1

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Anybody fitted shad 3P brackets to his GRiSO?
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