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 my baby wrote me a letter...

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Charlie J
Charlie J

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Age : 64

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PostSubject: my baby wrote me a letter...   my baby wrote me a letter... Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:26 pm

Its got bugger all to to do with Mr Joe Cocker but I did get a letter. From Moto Guzzi Australia. Basically it welcomed me to the Moto Guzzi family,20 years too late, and congratulated me on the purchase of a new 1200 SE. Fuck , I congratulated myself on the purchase of a new 1200 SE 5 months ago. In the letter was a keyring and fob with the Guzzi emblem on it and a fancy biro with the Moto Guzzi on it. Beauty. The pen came in a little velvet pouch. Now apart from the odd marsupial who keeps there pen in a pouch ?
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: my baby wrote me a letter...   my baby wrote me a letter... Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:28 pm

Score Thumbs Up All I got was " there's your bike , we close in 20 mins , off you fuck "
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PostSubject: Re: my baby wrote me a letter...   my baby wrote me a letter... Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 11, 2016 7:05 pm

SWAG! We get fuck all in the States. Unless of course we buy the bikes from Dave Richardson at Moto International. Then we get a bitchin' "Cogito ergo ZOOM" license plate frame and a huge discount that we can use to buy all the key fobs and biros and little velvet pouches we want! Congratulations on your purchase, and welcome to the family!

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Charlie J
Charlie J

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PostSubject: Re: my baby wrote me a letter...   my baby wrote me a letter... Icon_minitime1Mon Jan 11, 2016 7:10 pm

Yahoo. I bought the 1200 through Pete Roper. This involved a plane flight ,a train ride, many ales.a ride in the SKV and a bloody good ride home. Even the dirt roads or rain the next day didn't take the shine off it.
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PostSubject: Re: my baby wrote me a letter...   my baby wrote me a letter... Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:26 am

All I get is emails to tell me there is a sale on and to go in and buy another bike! So i reckon you did well............ Smile
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Age : 78

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PostSubject: Re: my baby wrote me a letter...   my baby wrote me a letter... Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:09 am

Since buying my 2015 GRiSO, I've heard bupkus from Moto Guzzi USA. Maybe the last postage increase was too much for them?
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PostSubject: Re: my baby wrote me a letter...   my baby wrote me a letter... Icon_minitime1

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