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 Shocktube, cooler cover and tail tidy

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PostSubject: Shocktube, cooler cover and tail tidy   Shocktube, cooler cover and tail tidy Icon_minitime1Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:54 am

Just installed a few mods on my 8VSE. Thought it may be useful for others to see the pics and make up their own minds as to whether an item may suit their needs.


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Construction is of a fabric coated neoprene with velcro fastening along the vertical axis. There is a cable tie top and bottom to fully secure the tube. There are also 6 eyelets which I guess are there to allow the tube to "breathe" during the compression/extension cycle of the shock.

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Fitting was fairly straightforward. I did coat the shock with some ACF50 before installing the the tube. The only thing worth noting on the installation was just how sharp some of the metal around the shock area is. I think I may have got less cuts and scratches if I tried to shave a stoat.

I will take the tube off in around 6 months for a look. I will post some pics in this thread.

Oil cooler cover

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Was really looking forward to getting this. My original plastic one was starting to deform with the heat and therefore it had to go. This is the Rossopuro item supplied by Stein-Dinse in Germany. Fitting was super straightforward. Result, gutted absolutely gutted. If you take a look at the two forward holes you can see that they dont line up properly. For what this cover cost I would have expected at the very least for the holes to be properly aligned. The machining is ok and the anodising looks adequate.

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Have added some stainless washers to cover the offending holes. Was it worth the money? probably not but it does look very nice.

Tail tidy

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This is the lightech offering. Nice kit, plate mount itself seems to be made of that fibre reinforced plastic material whilst all other parts are painted steel. Easy enough installation which was pretty much uneventful. Didnt like the way that the LED unit just had a red and black wire for its supply. I slipped some shrink wrap over the pair to tidy them up a bit.

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I did cut the original cable tunnel just to the rear of the waisted section (where it goes between the two cap screws that you now do not need anymore). Fitted with the two pozidrive original screws and filled the open end with some silicon. You dont get to see any of this stuff its all tucked away.

Anyway, hope this was of interest to someone. Even if it helps someone make their mind up that they really dont want one of the above then I guess its a worthwhile post.

All the best
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Shocktube, cooler cover and tail tidy   Shocktube, cooler cover and tail tidy Icon_minitime1Sun Mar 09, 2014 12:43 pm

Cool! Thanks for the post Pete. What are the specs on the shock tube? Is there an R&G model number? I want one for my GRiSO.

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PostSubject: Re: Shocktube, cooler cover and tail tidy   Shocktube, cooler cover and tail tidy Icon_minitime1Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:00 pm

I prefer this look...

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2013 MOTO GUZZI STELVIO 1200NTX - Orange Blossom Special
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PostSubject: Re: Shocktube, cooler cover and tail tidy   Shocktube, cooler cover and tail tidy Icon_minitime1Mon Mar 10, 2014 12:47 am

Here is the R&G page.
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And here is the UK ebay item I bought. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Have to say it really does look like the steak is in the right place  Very Happy

All the best
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PostSubject: Re: Shocktube, cooler cover and tail tidy   Shocktube, cooler cover and tail tidy Icon_minitime1Sun May 25, 2014 2:03 pm

Hi Slo Mo,
Where did you get tail tidy from?

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PostSubject: Re: Shocktube, cooler cover and tail tidy   Shocktube, cooler cover and tail tidy Icon_minitime1Mon May 26, 2014 1:54 am

Here you go mate.

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If you want to use smaller plates you will need to cut the mounting down a touch. Use normal bolts at the top and double sided adhesive tape for the bottom (yes there is adhesive tape available for licence plates, try halfords).
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PostSubject: Re: Shocktube, cooler cover and tail tidy   Shocktube, cooler cover and tail tidy Icon_minitime1

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