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 Cheese in my airbox... (G1100, no power , poor running ) SOLVED! = Knackered loose Cat in Termi Pipe

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Pete Roper
Papa Lazarou
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Cheese in my airbox... (G1100, no power , poor running ) SOLVED! =  Knackered loose Cat in Termi Pipe - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cheese in my airbox... (G1100, no power , poor running ) SOLVED! = Knackered loose Cat in Termi Pipe   Cheese in my airbox... (G1100, no power , poor running ) SOLVED! =  Knackered loose Cat in Termi Pipe - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sat Jan 06, 2018 6:19 pm

Looks like the engine is not getting warm enough. My air cooled ducati 900 will get the white spoonge
in the oil if it doesn't get hot enough in cold weather.The solution is to cover the oil cooler when the temp is under 40F.I try to run it at least for an hour ride minimum, I also vent my crankcase vent
overboard old school style. i dont want oil vapors in my air filter box.
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Age : 65

Cheese in my airbox... (G1100, no power , poor running ) SOLVED! =  Knackered loose Cat in Termi Pipe - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cheese in my airbox... (G1100, no power , poor running ) SOLVED! = Knackered loose Cat in Termi Pipe   Cheese in my airbox... (G1100, no power , poor running ) SOLVED! =  Knackered loose Cat in Termi Pipe - Page 2 Icon_minitime1Sun May 07, 2023 10:38 pm

This is interesting. I had that cat ball bunged up Termi issue on my 8v. I had a few problems with the cam followers in the early days before the rollerisation kits were developed, and Guzzi UK gave me a new Termi. Well, I say "new", but it didn't come in a box, and they said it was one they had lying around. ,Mine looked exactly like your photo. 15 years later and that replacement Termi is still on there, and seems fine.
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Cheese in my airbox... (G1100, no power , poor running ) SOLVED! = Knackered loose Cat in Termi Pipe
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