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 Removing the passenger pegs

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Pete Roper
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Removing the passenger pegs Empty
PostSubject: Removing the passenger pegs   Removing the passenger pegs Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:09 pm

So, I removed the passenger peg bracket from the right side, and filled the resulting open bolt holes with black washers and new bolts. It looks great, but I can't remove the one on the left side because it also serves as the bracket for the exhaust. I have the Mistral high-pipe slip-on, and it seems it could be easily attached by a bracket attached to one of the bungee hook bobbins that is bolted into the frame.

Does anyone know if such a bracket/hanger is available? I don't have enough skill or equipment to make something myself. I think I read in another thread that beetle has made one -- I wonder if this is a thing that I could buy?

Here are some pics of the right and left sides (also showing off the lovely new Rizoma black foot-pegs).

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GRiSO Capo
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Removing the passenger pegs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing the passenger pegs   Removing the passenger pegs Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:31 pm

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GRiSO Capo
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Removing the passenger pegs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing the passenger pegs   Removing the passenger pegs Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:54 pm

That's perfect! I was thinking to attach it with the front one, but the rear seems to work really well. Is it rubber mounted or just directly bolted on? I was wondering if rigidly mounting it would cause vibration in the seat. Also, do I see some kind of additional strap on the front mounting point?

You should sell this as a kit. I predict you will have at least one sale Smile
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GRiSO Capo
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Removing the passenger pegs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing the passenger pegs   Removing the passenger pegs Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:00 pm

I've sent you a PM, but I'll post here as well.

I have several versions, depending on whether I have the stock midpipe or the Arrow Ti midpipe. The carbon fibre hanger doesn't stop the pipe from moving horizontally, so I have a secondary hanger to stop it moving. Eventually I will have spring loops attached to the Ti midpipe and Mistral so the secondary hanger can be removed.

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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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Removing the passenger pegs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing the passenger pegs   Removing the passenger pegs Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:05 pm

Next time you come this way bring your Ti pipes and we'll get those collars sorted.
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GRiSO Capo
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Removing the passenger pegs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing the passenger pegs   Removing the passenger pegs Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:09 pm

Under control. Ratty has made some for me and will swap them out, as well as adding loops to the midpipe.

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2 geese
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Removing the passenger pegs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing the passenger pegs   Removing the passenger pegs Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 31, 2018 4:55 am

Hi, beetle   I too have a mistral high pipe with rear pegs removed. I made a hanger out of aluminum but would love a carbon one,did you make or find one that would fit? Thanks
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kiwi dave
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Removing the passenger pegs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing the passenger pegs   Removing the passenger pegs Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 31, 2018 11:15 am

Hell, I use my pillion footrests to save stopping for a stretch. They're essential, IMHO.
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GRiSO Capo
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Removing the passenger pegs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing the passenger pegs   Removing the passenger pegs Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 31, 2018 11:52 am

The CF hanger is a Leo Vince part # 303990502R.

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Removing the passenger pegs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing the passenger pegs   Removing the passenger pegs Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 31, 2018 12:06 pm

kiwi dave wrote:
Hell, I use my pillion footrests to save stopping for a stretch.  They're essential, IMHO.

I was going to make the same comment, but you beat me to it, Dave. I hang my heels on the rear pegs just to put my body in a different position for awhile. I would never even think of removing them!

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2 geese
GRiSO Capo
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Removing the passenger pegs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing the passenger pegs   Removing the passenger pegs Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:34 pm

Thanks for part number will be looking for one.
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Removing the passenger pegs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing the passenger pegs   Removing the passenger pegs Icon_minitime1Wed Jan 31, 2018 3:34 pm

Here is what DÄS Mototec in Germany offers (but not for those high pipes):
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2 geese
GRiSO Capo
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Removing the passenger pegs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing the passenger pegs   Removing the passenger pegs Icon_minitime1Tue Feb 06, 2018 9:17 am

      If anyone is interested in a carbon pipe hanger in US it supplied by parts unlimited. stead of leo vince number303990502r
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Removing the passenger pegs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Removing the passenger pegs   Removing the passenger pegs Icon_minitime1Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:09 am

Here is where I ended up on this. I’m super happy with the result! I found this hanger and I mounted it to a rubber mount that bolts into the existing frame threaded hole. It’s very solid but rubber mounted to quell vibration. I found some black hex bolts to fit in the passenger bracket holes, and used black (painted!) washers. I think it looks great!

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