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 Paint Protection - Left and Right Duct

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Age : 70

Paint Protection  - Left and Right Duct Empty
PostSubject: Paint Protection - Left and Right Duct   Paint Protection  - Left and Right Duct Icon_minitime1Sat May 12, 2018 6:58 pm

Does anyone make an adhesive pad (like a tank pad) for the left and right duct on the bike?  The material of my riding suit is fairly abrasive and started wearing the paint/ finish of the ducts within a few hundred miles.  I added some 3M paint protection film but it looks cheesy and is already starting to show the wear from the knees of the Aerostich suit.  I'd like to find something like the "snake skin" product made by TechSpec to protect the area from my knees/ suit.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Paint Protection  - Left and Right Duct Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paint Protection - Left and Right Duct   Paint Protection  - Left and Right Duct Icon_minitime1Sun May 13, 2018 12:01 am

Firstly, I didn't know ducks came in left and right hand models, I thought they were uni-directional.

The clear contact I used on my car has lasted 5 years, thought it was 3M.

There is a company doing kits for popular sports bikes, with pre cut clear contact pieces to protect leading edge of all fairing panels from stone chips. Very hard to see it on the bike.
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Paint Protection  - Left and Right Duct Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paint Protection - Left and Right Duct   Paint Protection  - Left and Right Duct Icon_minitime1Sun May 13, 2018 5:48 am

Go to any paint body shop supply and ask them for clear vinyl protective material...they come in sheets so cut it to the shape needed.
On my 09, I used some of that material to protect the edge on my rear hugger that kept being chipped and have to do that again on my new bike actualy.
It actually came from a Toyota Tundra pick up that is located at the bottom of the bed wheel housing. lol
It's a triangular piece and I only cut a small strip out of it but it's big enough to shape a patch for your knee rubbing issues.
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Paint Protection  - Left and Right Duct Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paint Protection - Left and Right Duct   Paint Protection  - Left and Right Duct Icon_minitime1

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