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 Stop Light Recognition

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PostSubject: Stop Light Recognition   Stop Light Recognition Icon_minitime1Thu May 31, 2018 6:27 pm

This was news to me. It's legal to run in Wa. State.

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cold hands
cold hands

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PostSubject: Re: Stop Light Recognition   Stop Light Recognition Icon_minitime1Fri Jun 01, 2018 6:05 pm

Wisconsin too.
(c) Red.
1. Vehicular traffic facing a red signal shall stop before entering the crosswalk on the near side of an intersection, or if none, then before entering the intersection or at such other point as may be indicated by a clearly visible sign or pavement marking and shall remain standing until green or other signal permitting movement is shown.
2. No pedestrian, personal delivery device, bicyclist, or rider of an electric personal assistive mobility device facing such signal shall enter, and no personal delivery device operator may allow a personal delivery device facing such signal to enter, the roadway unless he or she can do so safely and without interfering with any vehicular traffic.
3. Vehicular traffic facing a red signal at an intersection may, after stopping as required under subd. 1., cautiously enter the intersection to make a right turn into the nearest lawfully available lane for traffic moving to the right or to turn left from a one-way highway into the nearest lawfully available lane of a one-way highway on which vehicular traffic travels to the left. Vehicular traffic in the leftmost right-turn lane of a roadway that provides 2 right-turn lanes may make a right turn on a red signal into a lawfully available lane that is 2nd to the rightmost lane for traffic moving to the right. Except for a vehicle turning right from the leftmost right-turn lane of a roadway that provides 2 right-turn lanes, no turn may be made on a red signal if lanes of moving traffic are crossed. No turn may be made on a red signal if a sign at the intersection prohibits the turn on a red signal. In making a turn on a red signal vehicular traffic shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians, personal delivery devices, bicyclists, and riders of electric personal assistive mobility devices lawfully within a crosswalk, to operators of vehicles making a lawful U-turn, and to other traffic lawfully using the intersection.
4. Notwithstanding subd. 1., a motorcycle, moped, motor bicycle, or bicycle facing a red signal at an intersection may, after stopping as required under subd. 1. for not less than 45 seconds, proceed cautiously through the intersection before the signal turns green if no other vehicles are present at the intersection to actuate the signal and the operator of the motorcycle, moped, motor bicycle, or bicycle reasonably believes the signal is vehicle actuated. The operator of a motorcycle, moped, motor bicycle, or bicycle proceeding through a red signal under this subdivision shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicular traffic, pedestrian, personal delivery device, bicyclist, or rider of an electric personal assistive mobility device proceeding through a green signal at the intersection or lawfully within a crosswalk or using the intersection. This subdivision does not affect any authorization for a bicyclist under subd. 2. Makes me wish I knew about that some years before.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: Stop Light Recognition   Stop Light Recognition Icon_minitime1Sat Jun 02, 2018 4:50 pm

I think that treating a signal as inop or broken is quite a bit different than "running" a red.
Running being not stopping at all.

I recall the time in San Francisco, a couple decades ago, at about three AM waiting on my Norton at T intersection red with an officer parked opposite me. After about two minutes wait I put down the side stand walked over and pushed the button for the cross walk. This got the officers attention for sure. I walked back to my running bike got on and proceeded through the now green light.

Needles to say I did not want to test the Letter of the Law vs the Spirit of the Law.

I don't dislike the police, I just feel better when they're not around.
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kiwi dave
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PostSubject: Re: Stop Light Recognition   Stop Light Recognition Icon_minitime1Fri Jun 22, 2018 12:39 am

ratso88 wrote:

I recall the time in San Francisco, a couple decades ago, at about three AM waiting on my Norton at T intersection red with an officer parked opposite me. After about two minutes wait I put down the side stand walked over and pushed the button for the cross walk. This got the officers attention for sure. I walked back to my running bike got on and proceeded through the now green light.

I've had to do exactly this countless times in New Zealand where we have no turn left on red law.  I love the turn right on red in California and other US States -it makes perfect sense as long as it's accepted it must be performed in safety and not as a right of way.
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