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 OEM seat kills my tail bone!!

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Pete Roper
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OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Empty
PostSubject: OEM seat kills my tail bone!!   OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Icon_minitime1Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:55 pm

Gents, Greetings from Sydney

A bit of advice, After 30 mins I have real "tail bone Pain" was going to say Coccyx but it sounds dodgy lol

Should I invest in a Corbin seat which will be $800USD landed in Oz, or buy an Airhawk?

Also will it help if I drop the pegs?

Thanks all

Jokes and piss taking welcome
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: OEM seat kills my tail bone!!   OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Icon_minitime1Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:00 pm

waterbottle is selling a Corbin. Check the classified ad sub-forum.

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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: OEM seat kills my tail bone!!   OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Icon_minitime1Wed Oct 10, 2018 12:40 am

You’re more than welcome to drop up to Bungendore and borrow mine for an afternoon if you want to try before you buy. What year is your SE?
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GRiSO Capo
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OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: OEM seat kills my tail bone!!   OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Icon_minitime1Wed Oct 10, 2018 12:46 am

Good advice Pete, from Pete ( Too many Pete's ) The Corbins are a Firm seat , but support your butt better on the longer rides.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: OEM seat kills my tail bone!!   OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Icon_minitime1Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:07 am

Pete, you could also check out MJM seats in Goulburn. I had mine done there and it cost me $525. delivered. It may not look a svelte as the GRiSO seat, but it sure is easier on the arse.
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OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: OEM seat kills my tail bone!!   OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Icon_minitime1Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:30 am

I'm sure the seat will help but a lack of comfort can be about the riding position, the relationship between arm back and legs while on the bike.
Using 25mm lower footpegs can make things surprisingly better, the same with the handlebars position. Worth thinking about if the seat still isn't right.

Last edited by davem on Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: OEM seat kills my tail bone!!   OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Icon_minitime1Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:37 am

Pete Roper wrote:
You’re more than welcome to drop up to Bungendore and borrow mine for an afternoon if you want to try before you buy. What year is your SE?

2014 SE however thanks for the offer but its about 200KM to your place and work is a pain at the moment plus my Ass would be in bits ha ha
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: OEM seat kills my tail bone!!   OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Icon_minitime1Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:49 am

FWIW I damaged my butt bone a decade ago, bought the Airhawk & have been very happy with it.

It's the cheaper option, I switch it between bikes & take it with me when I'll be sitting on hard chairs for hours.

The downside is you lose some of the input you get of what the bikes doing underneath you. But for touring it's fine
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LBC Tenni
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LBC Tenni

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OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: OEM seat kills my tail bone!!   OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Icon_minitime1Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:37 am

I love my Airhawk too. For longer rides, there is no substitute.
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OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: OEM seat kills my tail bone!!   OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Icon_minitime1Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:23 pm

I just bought an Airhawk Ill give it a go once the rain stops
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OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: OEM seat kills my tail bone!!   OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Icon_minitime1Sat Oct 20, 2018 7:32 pm

Why not have an auto/m-c upholstery shop make the stocker the way u want it? Going to do the same with the new GRiSO and will spend way less for what fits me. Already talked with them and can wait while they cut/add/remove foam and make it right. There's gotta be someone near you. I have an Airhawk for my Concours14 and works fine, but raises me up and I feel kinda disconnected when cornering. YMMV.
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OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: OEM seat kills my tail bone!!   OEM seat kills my tail bone!! Icon_minitime1

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OEM seat kills my tail bone!!
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