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 30 amp fuse problems? Heads up

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Age : 65

30 amp fuse problems? Heads up Empty
PostSubject: 30 amp fuse problems? Heads up   30 amp fuse problems? Heads up Icon_minitime1Sat Nov 24, 2018 1:28 pm

I received my 2011 GRiSO in September and commenced to go through it looking for existing or potential problems.
Everything under the seat looked good at first and I inspected the secondary fuse box to make sure all the fuses were the correct values.
I was looking for modified wiring, add-ons, or weird repairs and found none. Whew.
I removed the air filter cover to check the filter (it was new and correct P/N) and discovered the wire bundle that exits the 30 amp fuses and runs to the right side had been pinched under the right forward corner of the air filter cover. The screw for that corner (next to the air temp sensor) had been driven through the cover and through the wire bundle!
I removed the bundle and placed it above the cover as it should be and was amazed at what I saw. There is a lot of room inside the bundle and the screw had simply pushed the wires aside and didn't leave a scratch on the wires. Talk about dodging a bullet.
I don't think the cover screw goes to ground (earth) but it could have shorted the wires together. That might have been a tricky one to trouble shoot.
The PO told me his dealer did all of the service work so watch out.
A heads-up for anyone who has the dealer service your bike or if you do it yourself be aware of the possibility of pinching the wires.

As an aside, can someone tell me which 30 amp fuse should be removed for winter storage to avoid battery drain?
The manual states the #1 30amp fuse is for the voltage regulator but the #2 30 amp fuse goes to everything else including the ECU.
I suppose there no harm in removing both.
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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30 amp fuse problems? Heads up Empty
PostSubject: Re: 30 amp fuse problems? Heads up   30 amp fuse problems? Heads up Icon_minitime1Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:35 pm

Remove both - easy, or move over here and ride all year round...
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Age : 65

30 amp fuse problems? Heads up Empty
PostSubject: Re: 30 amp fuse problems? Heads up   30 amp fuse problems? Heads up Icon_minitime1Sat Nov 24, 2018 7:15 pm

I don't think I could compete with the road trains on those long dusty things you call roads. Ha

I've been to Australia twice (think Halley's Comet and the next year) and loved it but I can't imaging riding during the summer.
You have my respect.
Check this You tube link out. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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30 amp fuse problems? Heads up Empty
PostSubject: Re: 30 amp fuse problems? Heads up   30 amp fuse problems? Heads up Icon_minitime1Fri Nov 06, 2020 7:34 am

Reviving this for a quick question.

Is it ok to pull both the 30a fuses instead of disconnecting the ground battery terminal? This is the first time for me having to store my bike, and while I'm not that lazy taking off the hold down clamp, pulling up the battery from that lousy tray, and then disconnecting the battery is a bit more effort...
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kiwi dave
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
kiwi dave

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30 amp fuse problems? Heads up Empty
PostSubject: Re: 30 amp fuse problems? Heads up   30 amp fuse problems? Heads up Icon_minitime1Fri Nov 06, 2020 11:40 am

According to the wiring diagram, there is also a connection to the starter solenoid.  Since this can't be activated unless the 30a fuses are present, you should be dandy.

Of course, you will have to reset the TOD clock.
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30 amp fuse problems? Heads up Empty
PostSubject: Re: 30 amp fuse problems? Heads up   30 amp fuse problems? Heads up Icon_minitime1

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30 amp fuse problems? Heads up
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