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 Garage day: Swingarm lubrication

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Garage day: Swingarm lubrication Empty
PostSubject: Garage day: Swingarm lubrication   Garage day: Swingarm lubrication Icon_minitime1Wed Mar 27, 2019 6:37 pm

Thanks to Mr. Roper's detailed instructions it went without a hitch. My 2013 has very low mileage +/- 10K miles but I wanted to sort the swingarm before the start of the season in NY.

The CARC was glued to the swingarm and resistant to tugging, hammering etc. I sprayed it with penetrating oil and took SWMBO grocery shopping and was treated to lunch.

Upon my return, I shifted the bike slightly and the CARC fell off onto the nest I had prepared for it.

There was actually a thin coat of grease on the bearings and the splines of the CARC. I cleaned them up and gave a more generous serving.

I took the time to cut a bolt as a guide for the wheel installation, recommended!

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