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 Sold the Norge

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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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Join date : 2015-11-13

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PostSubject: Sold the Norge   Sold the Norge Icon_minitime1Mon Jul 15, 2019 10:45 pm

Oi, Oi, Oi. Months after parting with it I still would love to have it with me. Was a 'WTF now?' kind of bike but that was between hours of riding pleasure.
Previous owner who paid Stealer to service bike was delivered to me with mineral engine oil in sump, flat tappets becoming flatter by the second, etc etc.
After this and other incidental problems corrected (Pete), engine map (Beetle) installed this was a very enjoyable, passionate 'luv it' bike. When a 'WTF' moment came by I looked at UJM's passing by
with a bit of envy... until I remembered my new DL1000 requiring its alternator rewound due to insulation breaking down.
Did the valve train and dry clutch racket cause me to feel 'another WTF?' moment .. occasionally until I learned to ignore them, from that moment on the bike became smoother and faster.
MG ownership best experience? I can fix it myself!!!
Worst experience? I usually fixed it myself.
Which brand of bike would buy again? (Previously owned Honda, BMW, Kawasaki, Suzuki)
Kawasaki, Guzzi
Kawasaki experience was fast, reliable and easy to sell on.
Guzzi experience was and is 'Luv it'.
Thank you to all the posters passing on their experiences - keep it up, you are offering total strangers motorcycling at its best - advice, help and someone who will listen to your own experiences.
No bike now ... sold Guzzi for a superb M140i (drive one, hard to describe a smooth monster).
will keep my membership to the Guzzi world, may enter it again.
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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Age : 70

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PostSubject: Re: Sold the Norge   Sold the Norge Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 16, 2019 1:22 am

Thumbs Up
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PostSubject: Re: Sold the Norge   Sold the Norge Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 16, 2019 2:15 am

You can't leave with zero cred.
Cred given.
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Bill Hagan
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Bill Hagan

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Join date : 2014-07-03

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PostSubject: Re: Sold the Norge   Sold the Norge Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 16, 2019 4:22 am

Just before I read yours, I was down in the Moto Grappa, opening it up to cool it down with morning breezes, and looked at my Norge. No, stared at it with pleasure, knowing that in September, Kathi and I will do a 1500-miler or so to Georgia and back.

Mine is a '07, and is certainly no GRiSO. But, it runs in a grande dame sort of way and is a delightful machine.

I look forward to welcoming you back to Mandello some day.

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PostSubject: Re: Sold the Norge   Sold the Norge Icon_minitime1

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