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 Internal Graffiti and Copper pipe

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Internal Graffiti and Copper pipe Empty
PostSubject: Internal Graffiti and Copper pipe   Internal Graffiti and Copper pipe Icon_minitime1Wed Nov 20, 2019 12:16 pm

I've had a couple of ongoing 'character quirks' from my 2008 GRiSO 1100, and have got around to fixing them:

First one is an intermittent 'Oil Can Service' message on startup, that goes away on restarting.
Almost certainly a bad oil pressure switch, since the engine still runs fine. No noisier than the usual 'can o rocks'.
Replaced the switch (a front-bottom of a job) but following Roper-san's advice, and being paranoid also, I dropped the sump and spacer to check for a torn gasket.
It's OK, no tears, and I think the new switch fixed the problem now, but I found this graffiti on the sump:
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'Spessore' is Italian for 'thickness'. So what is 30-40mm (or more likely a decimal ie .30 or .030) ???

Second issue is an ongoing raised Copper content in the Oil Analysis - I posted this back in Feb 2016:
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I couldn't figure-out what was copper in the engine - until I dropped the sump and saw this honkin big pipe:
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It looks like it is immersed in the engine oil, and transfers oil from one part of the sump to another. Is that so, what does it do ?
and could it possibly be leaching copper into the oil ?
I don't see any defects in the pipe, and they're on back-order anyway (156 Euro from Stin-Diese and 2-8 weeks, none in the US)
I'll order one if needed, but I'm really hoping Roper-san and GuzziSteve will advise - they've seen more Guzzi-Internals than I've had hot dinners...

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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
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Pete Roper

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Internal Graffiti and Copper pipe Empty
PostSubject: Re: Internal Graffiti and Copper pipe   Internal Graffiti and Copper pipe Icon_minitime1Wed Nov 20, 2019 12:50 pm

The pipe is a feed pipe to the rear main (Or maybe the cooler?) I believe and I think your intermittent oil is pressure problem may be because your oil pick up screen seems to have loose bolts! (Or maybe the bolts used are too long and are bottoming out.) Note the gap between the plate and the spacer and exposed o-ring which is the seal.

Copper in the oil is most likely from big end bearings or little end bushes. Possibly from the cam thrust plate.
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Age : 64

Internal Graffiti and Copper pipe Empty
PostSubject: Re: Internal Graffiti and Copper pipe   Internal Graffiti and Copper pipe Icon_minitime1Mon Nov 25, 2019 8:52 pm

Cheers for the reply Pete.
However - my fault for a misleading photo: I had loosened the oil pickup just before I took that picture !
I mistakenly thought it had to be removed to drop the spacer.
Both screws were flush and tight, and I reinstalled them flush, with Loctite Blue. Did the other 4 screws holding the spacer to the block too.
The spacer to block gasket was not torn, and I've carefully replaced it with a new green one.

I'm 99.9% certain the 'Oil Can of Death' display was due to a wonky connection on the pressure sensor - it had a spade connector on the wire jammed onto a round post on the sensor. Joseph Lucas would have been proud.  Replaced with a new sensor with a blade connector.

Sorry to keep 'flagellating an expired equine' but I've been puzzling over the high copper content since the first oil analysis in 2015. It's probably been around before I bought the bike in 2013. I'd like to get to the bottom of it.
You have previously stated that Guzzi use trimetal bearings: if those were wearing, wouldn't Tin or Lead or Aluminum content also be high ?
If it is the cam thrust washer, or valve guides, are there any other symptoms ?
Is there any copper in the oil cooler ?

Close, almost OCD-like examination of this copper pipe showed several small scratches at the front end, maybe 4-5mm long. Almost like something bouncing around in the bottom of the sump ?. I didn't see any foreign bodies in there, and the sump was pretty clean.

Any other insights would be welcome. I'm not going to obsess over this, and just ride - especially as the best Florida riding season is here - but I'd like to get to the bottom of this once and for all.

And what does the 'Spessore' graffiti mean - it looks like OEM assembly specs ?

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Internal Graffiti and Copper pipe Empty
PostSubject: Re: Internal Graffiti and Copper pipe   Internal Graffiti and Copper pipe Icon_minitime1Sun Dec 01, 2019 3:43 am

30 to 40 µm yeah. looks like assembly spec indeed. maybe they mix and match although that gasket will take care of that.
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PostSubject: Re: Internal Graffiti and Copper pipe   Internal Graffiti and Copper pipe Icon_minitime1

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