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 Non Guzzi ECU Tuning

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Non Guzzi ECU Tuning   Non Guzzi ECU Tuning Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 28, 2020 1:28 pm

First some GRiSO content

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Beetle, Paul Daytona,........... Anybody ??????

The below R3 Yamaha now lives next to the GRiSO and Stelvio, It will rapidly be converted to look like the lower photo, Full Race trim.

* Some questions regarding ECU reflashing,

Is there an easy way to reflash the ECU instead of buying a Power commander V set up ?

I did find a "Graves" product  ( FT ECU ) from the USA where you purchase the appropriate cabling / Licence for 1 Bike only. The mapping software for this seems similar to using Tuner-pro from the little information i can find. With a similar price to the Power commander. Essentially the same as using Guzzi-Diag and tuner-pro .

I do Have a full PCV set up for a GRiSO ( not fitted, could not get it to work properly ) Could this PCV be loaded with the correct map for the Yamaha and work correctly ? Both Bikes are 2 Cylinder 4 Stroke with Fuel injection. Is it possible to load an entirely new base map to a PCV or are we locked out of that ?

Can you help with a Program similar to Guzzi- Diag that works with Japanese Bikes, specifically the Yamaha YZF R3.

I do not expect anything for free  ( The Graves FTEcu product starts at $380 USD ,  PCV $ 357 USD ) Don't tell Jan  Laughing

Any advice appreciated,
Cheers Ron

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Non Guzzi ECU Tuning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Non Guzzi ECU Tuning   Non Guzzi ECU Tuning Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 28, 2020 2:18 pm

One google of "Yamaha YZF R3 ECU" produced 4 different ECU tuning systems on the first page.
Graves FlashTune, Woolich D-Can, FTECU, and ARacer. With that kind of stuff available, why would you even consider a PCV?


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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Non Guzzi ECU Tuning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Non Guzzi ECU Tuning   Non Guzzi ECU Tuning Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 28, 2020 4:33 pm

Yeah PCV isn't my first choice
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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Non Guzzi ECU Tuning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Non Guzzi ECU Tuning   Non Guzzi ECU Tuning Icon_minitime1Tue Jan 28, 2020 4:45 pm

My next bike is likely to be a CT125. Prowling around the interwebs there seem to be systems for the Grom and Monkey so I'm assuming I'll be able to get something for the CT. All it has to do is keep up with traffic!
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