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 fuel injection

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: fuel injection   fuel injection Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 27, 2020 7:59 pm

I've complained about my fuel injection, even spoke of putting carbs on the GRiSO (sacrilege i know).
What i need is education and someone to show me (drive me through) the process of removing my power commander, running guzzi diag and eventually loading up one of beetles maps.

location, central north island, new zealand, Tokoroa based.
Happy to pay in bourbon or chainsaw work on your firewood.

cheers terry
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: fuel injection   fuel injection Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:36 pm

Terry, it's not really that simple, but maybe it is.

You need to have someone who understands how the W5AM system works to tune your bike right.

If there is someone near you who understands how to use Guzzidiag, or even one of the other tuning diagnostics available, that will be a big start. But there are a host of actual physical, as in 'Bits you can turn with a screwdriver' items that have to be checked before you can find if someone less than competent has messed with your bike and IF it has been messed with mapping it 'Correctly' is not a magic bullet.

My advice at this point would be simply disconnect the PCV and see what happens! In doing so the bike may appear to run worse! If it does? Just reconnect it but that doesn't change the fact that any 'Add On' like a PC is a truly horrid kludge and can promote a host of longer term issues.

FWIW the moment we're allowed to Jude and I will be coming over to NZ for a holiday and I'll be more than happy to come down and walk you through tuning your bike. Cost? A couple of beers and a meal out we'll probably pay for!

FI seems frighteningly difficult for people who grew up with carburettors, shit, I'm one of them! I'm 64 and struggle with my iPhone! But it's not that hard to learn. And if you aren't willing to learn? Go back to the cave dwelling experience of points, carburettors and accept the limited handling, brakes, power, torque and enjoyment that this generation of machines can bring.

We'll work you through this. Read! Learn! Fear nothing! cheers

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: fuel injection   fuel injection Icon_minitime1Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:58 pm

Aye aye cappo.
I think rule 7 was, "sometimes you have to slide down the obstacle head first"
I know rule 10 is, "never ever ever ring the bell"
somewhere between rules 1 & 7 it's "find someone to help you row your boat"

Admiral McRaven

A beer and dinner....done, have spare rooms too if need be.
There may be hope for me yet :-)

And thank you so much for your help this far. will look at pc removal tomorrow.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: fuel injection   fuel injection Icon_minitime1Thu Oct 01, 2020 5:04 pm

oh my oh my....Instituted rule 7 with a little encouragement from yourself cappo.

Well now that rides like a guzzi. Turns out the power commander does indeed give you more power, with this one, in all the wrong places & fierce like!

Can now give it a handful without fear of the rear tyre letting go, power is predictable and feathering the throttle also good.

Drawback, a little bit more popping in the exhaust on throttle down (can live with that) and mid throttle feathering a little erratic but otherwise...awesome!

Now understand why injection is popular....all i want to fix now is a little more top end, mid range neddy and faster idle on cold, warm idle perfect.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: fuel injection   fuel injection Icon_minitime1Thu Oct 01, 2020 9:52 pm

A Pete “going over” and a Beetle map and you’ll be really pleased. Popping and any other bad behavior will be gone. And you’ll be set for a long time and have peace of mind that it’s set up right.

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: fuel injection   fuel injection Icon_minitime1Sun Sep 04, 2022 3:09 pm

Recent issues. Bloody fuel injection !!!!
But alas for my ignorance of injection.

So i did some up grades recently, LED Perf indicators.....awesome, LED Perf head light conversion  @#$%%^^&&  french cr$% but yay, got it in the end.

Still no sign of the rizzoma handle bars !! really !!

Upgraded the stepper motor as i figured it might be having issues, second hand unit.
Finally got my cold idle going but started developing an overrun at low rpm, below 3000rpm around town it would drop then surge going into low speed corners pulling 2000rpm wasn't ideal and would start idling at 2000rpm after putting fuel in, even when hot!!!
If rev to 3000rpm it would take 4 seconds to return to idle.

So went through the procedure of removing TB's and cleaned until sparkling,
refitted flushed stepper motor with gusto,
clean everything i could,
Balanced TB using gauges,
Adjust idle
Awesome working nicely sort of

(now idling at 2000rpm again) and all over the show with idle speeds and surging badly again.
Crap to ride too.

Repeat and rinse twice no improvement,
aaarrrghghhhhhh  $%^&

Could be a sensor ?????

HHmmmm only thing played with recently is .....stepper motor.

Right, disconnect stepper from airbox, plug tube and zip tie.

Go for ride

Improved, yes

Break out gauges, redo 4000rpm balance and idle.

Peachy.....just fu$^^&n peachy

Test ride (thrash the a%^e off it)

Idles perfect, pulls perfect, throttle downs perfect even under 3000rpm !!
Happy days  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy

Bloody stepper motors...

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PostSubject: Re: fuel injection   fuel injection Icon_minitime1

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