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 1200 Sport - Fuel tank pump outlet pipe passing fuel

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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

Posts : 166
Join date : 2015-12-20

1200 Sport - Fuel tank pump outlet pipe passing fuel Empty
PostSubject: 1200 Sport - Fuel tank pump outlet pipe passing fuel   1200 Sport - Fuel tank pump outlet pipe passing fuel Icon_minitime1Thu Dec 27, 2018 2:44 pm

I recently got my bike back from being looked at for tickover revs not dropping cleanly (which has not been fixed as unable to find a problem) and as part of the troubleshooting the fuel filter was changed (as I hadn't done this previously in the few years I have had the bike).  I ended up having to remove the tank to do some work a few days ago and left the tank (1/2 full) sitting in on a stand, but noticed that fuel was dribblng out - thought it would stop.  Went to put tank back on bike and it is empty (proper empty).

Does anyone have any thoughts on what may be allowing fuel to come out - didn't have this problem previously on old filter (both metal cased) - I thought that the pump would act as a stop valve?

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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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1200 Sport - Fuel tank pump outlet pipe passing fuel Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1200 Sport - Fuel tank pump outlet pipe passing fuel   1200 Sport - Fuel tank pump outlet pipe passing fuel Icon_minitime1Thu Dec 27, 2018 5:26 pm

Got it sussed - stripped out fuel pump and found that the pipe between the filter and pump wasn't clamped completely and was leaking air/fuel into the filter and through to the fuel pipe (outside the tank).
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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1200 Sport - Fuel tank pump outlet pipe passing fuel Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1200 Sport - Fuel tank pump outlet pipe passing fuel   1200 Sport - Fuel tank pump outlet pipe passing fuel Icon_minitime1Fri Dec 28, 2018 10:56 am

that would do it....

the "tick over revs not dropping cleanly" sounds like the stepper motor.
the 'standard' kludge is to pull the top end of the hose #4 below (it goes to the airbox)... and stick a bolt into the now open hose.

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you can do a few other things, but you'll likely end up doing this.
if you live in a cold country (brrrr UK) then you may have to use a throttle lock or similar on those frosty mornings as this disables the 'auto choke'. I survived through 2 Tassie winters (Hi Tev!!) and never had an issue with cold -one particular morning was -5º C, the entire time.

Mind you, my Sport is the ditch pump A2 variety......
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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

Posts : 166
Join date : 2015-12-20

1200 Sport - Fuel tank pump outlet pipe passing fuel Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1200 Sport - Fuel tank pump outlet pipe passing fuel   1200 Sport - Fuel tank pump outlet pipe passing fuel Icon_minitime1Fri Dec 28, 2018 5:00 pm

While the bike was being looked at the throttle bodies and stepper were ultrasonically cleaned, got more stuff out than when I cleaned them before sending bike in.  I have found that if you have one of those endoscope type devices you can actually watch the stepper operating - theres a plunger that raises and lowers when it self tests (only from the small pipe ends) - that the noise it makes during self test.

I am going to try blocking the stepper air feed to see if that is causing the problem - my hunch at the moment is the TPS as the value changes from 4.6/4.7 to 5.6/5.8 at rest but not all the time.  

However one step at a time (no pun intended  Laughing )

thanks for the suggestion
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1200 Sport - Fuel tank pump outlet pipe passing fuel Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1200 Sport - Fuel tank pump outlet pipe passing fuel   1200 Sport - Fuel tank pump outlet pipe passing fuel Icon_minitime1

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1200 Sport - Fuel tank pump outlet pipe passing fuel
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