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 Fuel line upgrade

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PostSubject: Fuel line upgrade   Fuel line upgrade Icon_minitime1Mon Nov 23, 2020 6:31 am

This morning i removed all the plastics,and also tank for repaint in original tenni,to cover some scratches, dents,and also to refresh the matte effect.

Last time i was replacing the oil pressure switch, everything looked good,but this morning when i unplugged the tank connector, i noticed some overlap (i dont know if i explain it good in English) in the fuel line, which get me to the point if should order oem plastic T line, or anyone has done an upgrade with better quallity?

I've read in the forum on other topics about stainless, rubber or other types, but since im jot very knowledgable in this section i would ask if there is plug and play option, cross refference option, or should i ask for proffesional to make one for me.

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Age : 63

Fuel line upgrade Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel line upgrade   Fuel line upgrade Icon_minitime1Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:36 pm

Guess you mean there is a 'kink' in the original line (like a permanent crease where it easily folds).

If it helps I have same (I suspect many people have given how easy it is to over bend the short length of line when pulling the tank) & I have never done anything about it except be more careful when I remove tank & make sure it isn't folded when I put tank back on. I have never had any fuel starvation issues, so I just leave it alone.
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