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 2007 GRiSO: Doing front forks (including seals)

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2007 GRiSO:  Doing front forks (including seals) Empty
PostSubject: 2007 GRiSO: Doing front forks (including seals)   2007 GRiSO:  Doing front forks (including seals) Icon_minitime1Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:15 am

At 27k and thinking about doing my seals along with new fluid (last done at just a hair over 12k).  Before I paid but now I have enough bikes seems like its something I should just learn.  Seals arent leaking but with the COVID spring coming Im thinking im going to be putting a LOT of miles on this bird and would rather it not be a thing 500 miles from home.  It doesnt look like Ill be returning to Lake Como any time soon.  

Is there anything actually unique about these forks or are they just the same Showa 43mm forks?  I have two other bikes with what looks like the same forks (only external difference from the stanchions up is what color things are anodized).  I see in the workman there are some Guzzi numbered tools needed but they sure look very similar to the Ducati numbered tools (although the Ducati ones are priced about 4x, ha).  Im wondering if there is a better (or better value) kit I can just build from racetech or technik (or another source if you are aware) to get the basic tools I need to rebuild?

Already going to do the motion pro bullet (actually cheap) and drivers (like the locking ring).  Guessing the only reason people use the specialized sockets/wrenches is to not mar the caps.
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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

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2007 GRiSO:  Doing front forks (including seals) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2007 GRiSO: Doing front forks (including seals)   2007 GRiSO:  Doing front forks (including seals) Icon_minitime1Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:22 am

I think Beetle did a photo essay a while back on re-oiling and re-sealing forks? Several others have gone through tuning the shim stack as well. A search will probably bring up what you need. The Showas are a very common fork and all the required tools are available on fleabay for not big dollars. I farm out all our suspension work as we have a great suspension guy in Canberra and he does a dozen sets of Showas a week so it's simply not worth me arseing about with them.
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2007 GRiSO:  Doing front forks (including seals) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2007 GRiSO: Doing front forks (including seals)   2007 GRiSO:  Doing front forks (including seals) Icon_minitime1Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:37 am

I did a little digging prior but didnt see any description of tools besides improvised ones. While its cool to see Im trying to build a tidy toolkit to throw in my tool box for trackdays as well.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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2007 GRiSO:  Doing front forks (including seals) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2007 GRiSO: Doing front forks (including seals)   2007 GRiSO:  Doing front forks (including seals) Icon_minitime1Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:47 pm

Traxxion Dynamics are not too far from you in Atlanta. They have alot of tools & parts for improving your forks. Have a look at their website.

I have heard that they can rebuild your forks on a 'while you wait ' basis as well. Although this may just be a story told to the gullible. Make an appointment & arrange what you want done, ride over there. Hang about for a couple of hours. Pay up & ride away. This was all pre-covid mind you.

I replaced the valves in mine with Racetech ones but bought new springs from Traxxion & they were very helpful, understanding that I was just trying to figure it all out.
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2007 GRiSO:  Doing front forks (including seals) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2007 GRiSO: Doing front forks (including seals)   2007 GRiSO:  Doing front forks (including seals) Icon_minitime1Fri Feb 12, 2021 9:43 am

Thanks they're really close so will send some business their way
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PostSubject: Re: 2007 GRiSO: Doing front forks (including seals)   2007 GRiSO:  Doing front forks (including seals) Icon_minitime1

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2007 GRiSO: Doing front forks (including seals)
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