Any way to update the mileage displayed by a new dash?
Pete Roper
8 posters
motor-timothy GRiSO Capo
Posts : 523 Join date : 2016-12-20
Subject: Any way to update the mileage displayed by a new dash? Tue Mar 02, 2021 5:31 pm
I replaced my dash with a new one due to a mysterious power drain from inside the dash. This fixed the drain however my mileage has now been reset to 0km (well, 45km by now). Is there any way to update the mileage displayed by the dash to the correct real one?
Pete Roper GRiSO Capo
Posts : 10808 Join date : 2013-05-30 Age : 67
Subject: Re: Any way to update the mileage displayed by a new dash? Tue Mar 02, 2021 5:34 pm
Not that I know of.
motor-timothy GRiSO Capo
Posts : 523 Join date : 2016-12-20
Subject: Re: Any way to update the mileage displayed by a new dash? Tue Mar 02, 2021 5:36 pm
Thanks Pete, I suspected as much.
lcjohnny GRiSO Capo
Posts : 1470 Join date : 2016-01-25 Age : 69
Subject: Re: Any way to update the mileage displayed by a new dash? Tue Mar 02, 2021 5:45 pm
elctric drill powered roller on the back wheel? ...but is the wear on the Carc worth it?
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moto Grignapoco
Posts : 181 Join date : 2014-07-03
Subject: Re: Any way to update the mileage displayed by a new dash? Tue Mar 02, 2021 8:04 pm
Yes, I suppose. There is an electromagnetic speed sensor suspended just above the rear wheel hub, on the right: the Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) in the wiring diagram.
I recall determining how many pulses at this sensor correspond to one mile, when I was fitting my electronic cruise control, but I've now forgotten the number.
In any event, you could unbolt the sensor and place it near a source of electromagnetic pulses, I believe. Probably sine wave instead of square wave, if you have a choice. Start pulsing and let the miles build up. Details to be worked out by someone else! Now you would have to have the ignition on, at least. This could mean overheating the coils unless you disconnect them. There could be some other complication I'm not thinking of.
The government tries hard to keep us from setting odometers backwards, but this is a completely different matter.
rick pope GRiSO Capo
Posts : 747 Join date : 2019-08-17 Age : 70
Subject: Re: Any way to update the mileage displayed by a new dash? Wed Mar 03, 2021 2:59 am
Write the correct mileage of the old unit in the back of your owners' manual. Have an adult beverage and forget about it.
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Oz1200Guzzi Don Abbondio
Posts : 6087 Join date : 2014-03-13 Age : 70
Subject: Re: Any way to update the mileage displayed by a new dash? Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:23 am
In theory, it's possible, as there is a dash connector (at least on my Sport). However, despite asking, no one has cracked the coding nor shown any interest in doing so.
Someone who repairs electronic dashes "might" be able to rewrite to PROM within (Programmable Read Only Memory). This data is stored here.
moto Grignapoco
Posts : 181 Join date : 2014-07-03
Subject: Re: Any way to update the mileage displayed by a new dash? Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:50 am
Oz1200Guzzi wrote:
In theory, it's possible, as there is a dash connector (at least on my Sport). However, despite asking, no one has cracked the coding nor shown any interest in doing so.
Someone who repairs electronic dashes "might" be able to rewrite to PROM within (Programmable Read Only Memory). This data is stored here.
A tech wizard called techrat-something-or-other went deeply into a closely-related Aprilia dash. He determined he could reset the dash to all zeroes, but he could not crack the encoding of the non-zero mileages, which includes some sort of check-sum. (I described this in detail on a WG posting some years ago.)
I do recall someone saying that Karmo (sp.??) claimed to be able to reset mileages to arbitrary values, but I didn't see any evidence of that having been done.
The method I described above should work, without much trouble. But I also recommend Rick Pope's method instead.
motor-timothy GRiSO Capo
Posts : 523 Join date : 2016-12-20
Subject: Re: Any way to update the mileage displayed by a new dash? Wed Mar 03, 2021 5:56 pm
rick pope wrote:
Write the correct mileage of the old unit in the back of your owners' manual. Have an adult beverage and forget about it.
I will follow this wise advice
Kiwi_Roy Nibbio
Posts : 519 Join date : 2017-11-10
Subject: Re: Any way to update the mileage displayed by a new dash? Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:10 am
Why not just create a small aluminium tag with +XXX,XXX You can often find an engraving booth at a mall who can do that for you otherwise a set of number stamps.
A few years back I changed a VII Sport from Veglia to Speedhut, they programmed the new Speedo to match the original.
BrianD Don Abbondio
Posts : 166 Join date : 2015-12-20
Subject: Re: Any way to update the mileage displayed by a new dash? Thu Mar 04, 2021 4:42 pm
When I bought my Sport that had a warranty replaced speedo and I have a photo of the speedo with mileage in the service book.
I just need to remember to add on 2,000 miles
So may be powering it up and photographing it will work fine?
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Subject: Re: Any way to update the mileage displayed by a new dash?
Any way to update the mileage displayed by a new dash?