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 Any of you bods in Europe.....

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Pete Roper
GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
Pete Roper

Posts : 10626
Join date : 2013-05-29
Age : 67

Any of you bods in Europe..... Empty
PostSubject: Any of you bods in Europe.....   Any of you bods in Europe..... Icon_minitime1Thu Sep 30, 2021 5:00 am

Have Tenni Green GRiSO's that are in need of a bit of a freshen up?

I've screwed up and bought some Tenni paint and it's been sent to Shane in Eire. Problem is it's now stuck there as no shipper will touch it to send it to Oz.

That's fine, my fault, but since I can't get it here I think the logical thing to do would be get a mudguard, which is all I need, painted in Europe and sent back here.

Thing is there is much more paint than is required for a single mudguard so I'll be more than happy to gift the rest of it to anyone who needs it. This could be one person or several, whoever needs shit painting, if someone has a good panel beater/painter they use who they know does a good job we can get Shane to send the paint to them and all other bits needing a freshen up could be sent to them. This would best be done within the EU as that is where the paint is and Brexit has made things very difficult for trans border stuff but if Poms want to be part of it then they can arrange to get their bits to the painter.

I doubt there is enough extra paint to do an entire set of bodywork but if people with Tenni's have a few scuffed up bits they'd like 'Refreshed' now's the time. Obviously freight and painting costs would be the responsibility of the parts owners but the rather expensive German paint would be free.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

Posts : 74
Join date : 2018-07-20
Age : 46

Any of you bods in Europe..... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Any of you bods in Europe.....   Any of you bods in Europe..... Icon_minitime1Fri Oct 01, 2021 5:09 am

Happy to do what ever is needed.
I replied to email, I have a painter over here that will do your mudguard no hassle. or can ship paint to Europe.

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Any of you bods in Europe.....
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