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 Gear Review - Flying Solo Gear Co, AshVault Backpack.

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Don Abbondio
Don Abbondio

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Join date : 2014-03-13
Age : 69

Gear Review - Flying Solo Gear Co, AshVault Backpack. Empty
PostSubject: Gear Review - Flying Solo Gear Co, AshVault Backpack.   Gear Review - Flying Solo Gear Co, AshVault Backpack. Icon_minitime1Sat Nov 06, 2021 5:43 pm

Flying Solo Gear Co is a small boutique gear company from Melbourne. I had never heard of them until a little while back, when I saw a review in one of the newsletters I subscribe to.

The AshVault Backpack is touted as the most comfortable or your money back.

I have had conversations with the designer/creator when I purchased some tail bags. My comment was that I hated backpacks, with a passion. She (Amanda) also admitted that she hated them too. Today I did over 200 km with one on  my back. Well, it lives up to the hype it is fantastic and I really wasn't aware of it until I hit some whoopsies and it subtly made its presence known. I had forgotten it was even there.

Inside it I had:
- Stop and Go Tyre repair kit
- Compressor
- First Aid kit
- Multi meter
- Bottle of water

This all adds up to a reasonable bit of weight but due to the design and fit (fit is adjustable), including a chest strap, I found I was mostly not aware of it at all. I am a convert!

Amanda has a great story to tell, including coming from Canada and riding around Australia (and camped all the way) thinking about motorcycle gear and what could be done better. Go to Flying Solo Gear Co to read Amanda's story and see the gear.

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