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 Another earth strap snap

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Another earth strap snap Empty
PostSubject: Another earth strap snap   Another earth strap snap Icon_minitime1Sat Dec 11, 2021 2:49 pm

I drilled what was left of it, and bolted into the terminal at 90⁰ if you see what I mean. So I'm mobile.

But what's the best permanent fix? New strap? Where's the main earth anyway? Or crimp on a new connector. What crimping tool do you need for that? I bet it's not the toy one I got in some kit that everyone has.
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Another earth strap snap   Another earth strap snap Icon_minitime1Sat Dec 11, 2021 3:20 pm

Any 'Wottalottacrap Auto' type place, (Halfords for example in the UK.) should have a selection of cable connectors or earth straps. The main thing is to find connectors or a cable with a connector that will allow it to be connected to the battery terminals and not foul the seat. The other end of the earth strap connects to a hexagonal *Thingy* that the upper screw of the starter motor cover screws into. The *Thingy* screws into the gearbox case casting using only a 5mm thread so dont over tighten it.

Oh, and I saw your battery inquiry over on WG. A 16 will work but it won't work as well or for very long unless it is a factory activated model. At least with genuine Yuasas the factory activated 16's have significantly higher CCA's than the BS, owner activated ones, (As noted over there BS stands for 'Bottle Supplied' meaning the acid comes in a cell pack which is added to the battery by the end user.). With the Yuasas the factory activated batteries have a different prefix. I can't remember exactly what that is but I've got one in my bike so I'll have a look later. The factory activated ones are a tiny bit shorter as well whereas both the YTX 16-CH BS and the YTX 20-CH BS are dimensionally identical.

I'd also add that I detest Motobatt batteries with a passion as they never seem to last long in our climate even if you get the right, higher amperage, one.
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PostSubject: Re: Another earth strap snap   Another earth strap snap Icon_minitime1Sat Dec 11, 2021 3:33 pm


Yeah, I too gave up on motobatts.

So what's the best plan? For me it all hangs on what's needed to properly crimp on a connector. If I haven't got the mean's, I'll change the earth strap. Is it reasonably accessible at the starter motor end?
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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Another earth strap snap   Another earth strap snap Icon_minitime1Sat Dec 11, 2021 3:48 pm

Yes, just take the cover off and you'll see the strap going to the *Thingy*.

If you take the old strap with you to Halfords or wherever they should be able to match it up. Biggest issue with most aftermarket straps is they have 8mm eyes on the end. While not a huge issue it does mean if you mount the new one with the 'Thingy' it's easy to overtighten it and rip the thread out of the gearbox casting. A better idea is to re-route it and fit it on one of the bell housing studs. Care has to be taken though to ensure that the cable doesn't foul the throttlebody linkage rod.

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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: Another earth strap snap   Another earth strap snap Icon_minitime1Sat Dec 11, 2021 8:26 pm

Oh, and GYZ 16H is the factory activated Yuasa I have in my bike. It was quite spendy.
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PostSubject: Re: Another earth strap snap   Another earth strap snap Icon_minitime1Sun Dec 12, 2021 8:20 am

Thanks guys. Yeah, interesting about the BS batteries. The one I picked up (not too spendy for Halfrauds) is factory activated. I'd thought it was somehow second best to the BS variant, so that all sound great. I gave it a top up on the Optimate before installing, and everything seems fine. So all set for the MOT next week.

It does feel a bit jerry rigged, but it works. I will replace the strap though, when I get a moment.

What's bugging me now is resetting the clock. The set button isn't in the full flush of youth, and is more than a bit hesitant to make a clean contact. Is it wort trying to clean up the contacts, or is it time for new switchgear?
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PostSubject: Re: Another earth strap snap   Another earth strap snap Icon_minitime1

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