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 tool kit and strap

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PostSubject: tool kit and strap   tool kit and strap Icon_minitime1Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:49 pm

Just rummaging around under the seat of my 2014 GRiSO, and checking out the tool kit (better than Triumph or Indian offerings, interestingly). There is a shortish strap with eyelets at each end stashed under there. Not exactly sure what it is, but guessing something to loop a helmet to the frame - there's a tang under the left hand side of the seat which may be the anchor I suppose.
Anyone else noticed this?

cheers, Pat
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PostSubject: Re: tool kit and strap   tool kit and strap Icon_minitime1Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:58 pm

I think you are correct.
I opened my tool kit and saw that as well.
The manual says it's to capture your helmet's D rings and there is a hook on the left side of the frame (under seat) to attach it to.

Better than nothing I suppose.
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PostSubject: Re: tool kit and strap   tool kit and strap Icon_minitime1Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:03 pm

yeah, that must be it - thanks for the reply. I think on the GRiSO you'd end up with the helmet sitting on the exhaust though. Still, they've thought about it at least. No tools at all except a 5mm allen key on newer Triumphs and Indians - cheers Pat
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PostSubject: Re: tool kit and strap   tool kit and strap Icon_minitime1Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:19 pm

Really? That's it? I thought the Yamaha and GRiSO kits were meager.
There should be a fuse puller in your kit too unless it's normally kept somewhere else.
I found mine in the kit.
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PostSubject: Re: tool kit and strap   tool kit and strap Icon_minitime1Sat Sep 29, 2018 7:49 pm

yes that was there too, and a philips, plug spanner and bar, 10/13mm open ender and a few Allen keys.

A pair of pliers, a 12mm, and some tape, wire, and zip ties would finish the job, but I think you'd bust the little compartment if you tried to pack too much stuff in.. - cheers Pat
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PostSubject: Re: tool kit and strap   tool kit and strap Icon_minitime1Sat Sep 29, 2018 7:53 pm

Actually, a few tie straps would be a good idea. Maybe longer ones could just be stowed securely along the frame tubing under the seat. That's got me thinking.
I don't think I could put more real tools in the bag.
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PostSubject: Re: tool kit and strap   tool kit and strap Icon_minitime1Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:08 pm

yeah I've got a bit of a notional "get me home" kit I carry when I'm on the Run - used to include mainly wire, fuses, tape, string and a crescent, but we can do better now...
Those zip tie things though are pretty awesome, 5mm Allen and wire, plus a pocket knife will do it, but you can carry all that in your Leather. For anything more one might need some sort of pliers, screwdriver and 8, 10, 12, 14 and 17 mm in combinations

Oh yeah, don't forget some sort of puncture kit or pando or whatever they're called these days. But it depends on the friendliness of your territory I guess, and how far you're ranging.

I used to carry a strategic tin of nuts and bolts, but that was in the old days of shaky Brit bikes and Sporties. Bikes are less vibratory now
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PostSubject: Re: tool kit and strap   tool kit and strap Icon_minitime1Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:15 pm

A tire repair kit is good but I'm not ranging too far from home for now.
Unless you have air, the repair kit doesn't solve the whole problem.
I work from home and need to able to get back within an hour or so.
If one is packing for an extended trip you can start packing a small air compressor,tools,etc.
The sky's the limit. Well, actually space is but you know what I mean.
Do you know of a fellow in Aukland named Volgnit?
He has a You Tube channel and rides a Tenni GRiSO.
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PostSubject: Re: tool kit and strap   tool kit and strap Icon_minitime1Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:45 pm

No, I don't, though someone from up there is selling a nice Tenni GRiSO. They're not too common over here - I gave up looking round for one and eventually bought my silver one this winter (your summer). I'll take note if I hear the name , it's unusual - cheers Pat
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PostSubject: Re: tool kit and strap   tool kit and strap Icon_minitime1Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:38 am

If you find one of those cheapo compressors laying around throw away all the plastic, most of the hose and the plug.
All you need is a plug kit the motor, compressor, a few inches of hose and the wire, just keep your fingers out of the cogs, touch the wires to the battery, don't need a gauge for emergency repair.
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PostSubject: Re: tool kit and strap   tool kit and strap Icon_minitime1Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:47 am

Some of those motorcycle compressors are really small. Some are better than others according to the reviews of course. Maybe Santa will bring me one.

Regarding your silver, I was really torn. I was looking for a '13 or '14 silver but couldn't find the right deal.
My tenni came along for a great price so I pounced. No regrets but I still like the silvers.
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PostSubject: Re: tool kit and strap   tool kit and strap Icon_minitime1

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