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 2015 SE Rear shock

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Pete Roper
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PostSubject: 2015 SE Rear shock   2015 SE Rear shock Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 16, 2022 10:28 am

I consider the stiffness of my suspension as dangerous.
I believe I'm the 3rd owner and I think I'm working with the stock Sachs shock (it's definitely a red spring Sachs).
I've spent a minimal amount of effort in adjustments and never on the preload (yet).
After searching the Ghetto, I see that Stelvio shocks, Hyperpro shocks/springs, Matris, Ohlins, etc.

I just want a drop in solution and be done with it.

I'm going to start with questions on Matris since it is the brand that shows up on AF1 and GuzziTech.

AF1 has a Matris M46R for $1159.99
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GuzziTech has a Matris GRiSO R Monoshock for $1495.00
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Besides the GuzziTech being ~$350.00 more, there are some subtle visual differences in the pictures.
Anybody know better or worse about these two specific models?
Or would you like to steer me in a different direction all together?

I'm sorry. This is probably as popular of a post as an oil thread.
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Pete Roper
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2015 SE Rear shock Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2015 SE Rear shock   2015 SE Rear shock Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 16, 2022 11:05 am

Matris make a good product. I have the R on my yellow bike along with fork cartridges from the same company. They work superbly BUT,,, it took three attempts at springing and valving to get the shock to where it is now. Matris tend to over-spring their products desperately. Fine for the track but not so good for the road.

Having said that I am very picky and as a counterpoint Beetle has the same shock and his was fine from the get-go!

There are many options on the market and prices are all fairly comparable. What you pay for is what you get and adjustability is the main thing. Looking at the two options pictured both seem to have high and low speed compression damping, single action rebound, height adjustability and hydraulic preload adjustability. That would suggest that the main difference is the cylinder and reservoir shape.

If I'm correct on that logic would dictate to go with the AF1 option simply from a cost perspective.

I recently bought a top of the range Hyperpro for my second GRiSO. I'm still playing with it but it is a superb shock. I've had a Hyperpro on my Mana for a decade. I've been very impressed with it both in terms of performance and reliability.

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PostSubject: Re: 2015 SE Rear shock   2015 SE Rear shock Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 16, 2022 11:28 am

I hated my GRiSO with the stock Sachs, it was downright dangerous.

I ordered a Mupo AB1 Evo (with the remote preload adjuster) and a fork valve kit from here:

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I believe these prices include VAT, so once you account for that and the favorable exchange rate, it's a stunning deal.

I am ridiculously pleased with this setup. (For some background, my last 2 (and current) bikes were fitted with factory Ohlins.)

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2015 SE Rear shock Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2015 SE Rear shock   2015 SE Rear shock Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 16, 2022 12:15 pm

Pete - I'm assuming you mean the GuzziTech shock would be better using the "you get what you pay for" mentality.
It is the one that's ~$350 more than the AF1 shock.
As I delve deeper into the Matris option, it looks like an R is an R is an R.
If the below website is "the" Matris website, it looks like there is only one "R"
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That being said, and with you saying that adjustability is the main thing, I'm going to assume that they are both M46R at either AF1 or GuzziTech. I'll call GuzziTech and enquire.

On these Matris shocks, I see that R means racing.
I'm assuming adjustability would dumb it down enough for bumpyish streets at legalish speeds.

Leone - Strangely enough, that website says that Mupo shock is unavailable at this time AND not compatible with a 2015.
Shows only be compatible with 07-12 1200 GRiSO. They only show Ohlins compatible. I'll definitely keep it as an option if I can verify compatibility.

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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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PostSubject: Re: 2015 SE Rear shock   2015 SE Rear shock Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 16, 2022 12:28 pm

Nah, what I was saying is that when comparing different types of shock you get what you pay for.

If you are buying a simple emulsion type shock with only preload and rebound damping externally adjustable then it will be considerably cheaper than a shock with more adjustability and a non-emulsive action.

As far as the two Matris options listed I think they are pretty much identical in what they offer. I'd therefore suggest the option from AF1.

Having said that the Mupo offerings are very interesting. I have no experience of them but was considering a Mupo for my second bike but ended up going for the Hyperpro simply because of my prior experience with the Mana shock and a wish to try something different to the Matris.

You've had one high praise recommendation for the Mupo. Why not go for the shock and fork valving package and see what happens? If I'd seen that before buying the Hyperpro it's probably the way I would of gone.

The Hyperpro on my second bike really shows up the stock valving in the forks. The Showas are a great fork. But I'm going to have to get mine re-valved and sprung. I'm very lucky to have a very talented suspension bloke close by who I farm all our suspension work out to. Why? Because he'll do a much quicker and better job than I will. Simples.

Oh and an edit. All Grisos use the same dimension shock on all years so compatibility won't be an issue.

Last edited by Pete Roper on Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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GRiSO Capo
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PostSubject: Re: 2015 SE Rear shock   2015 SE Rear shock Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 16, 2022 1:29 pm

I got the Matris from AF1. I'm very happy with it. Wound the preload down quite a bit. I'm about 215lbs.

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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PostSubject: Re: 2015 SE Rear shock   2015 SE Rear shock Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:09 pm

If you go for the Matris, tell them you weigh 10kg less than you actually do.

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Brent S
Brent S

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PostSubject: Re: 2015 SE Rear shock   2015 SE Rear shock Icon_minitime1Thu Jun 16, 2022 5:41 pm

And if you go for a Wilbers, tell them you weigh 10kgs MORE than you actually do.

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