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 Cheap LED Headlight Upgrade

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Join date : 2021-08-16

Cheap LED Headlight Upgrade Empty
PostSubject: Cheap LED Headlight Upgrade   Cheap LED Headlight Upgrade Icon_minitime1Tue Jul 26, 2022 3:21 pm

After seeing a guy over on post about his experience upgrading the stock headlight which is abysmal especially with all the deer and elk running around my part of the country I wanted something brighter. I lusted after the JWS Motodemic adaptive headlight with cornering lights as after experiencing cornering lights on my KTM 1290 I quite like them for curves in the dark. Alas $700 for the JWS while possible for the ever-stretched wallet I decided to give an Amazon Special that is 11% of the price a try.

For $70 I got a nice 7-inch LED headlight.

The first concern was the stock headlight mount was a tad too small for the new light's housing so I decided to re-use the stock housing. A bit of a bummer as the new headlight's housing is metal versus the plastic Guzzi one. This required some measuring to ensure the headlight was aligned and some drilling the stock cup for the new mounting screws. I lacked some bullet connectors and small heatshrink tubing so a trip to the local auto parts store later and...:

Second issue the instructions for the parking light/DRL wiring on the new headlight was wrong. But a bit of trial and error got me to the right wire. I decided against splicing the turn signal functionality into the headlight for now.

See pics and descriptions:
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I didn't grab a pic with it running which but it looks a lot brighter then stock but not overly obnoxious. For states in the USA that care it does say DOT approved on the front of the light.
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Now I just need to get around to taking the airbox out to fix the darn flickering neutral switch.

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