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 New Tire Thread

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PostSubject: New Tire Thread   New Tire Thread Icon_minitime1Fri Jul 29, 2022 10:14 pm

In case anyone was wondering, just replaced some worn Pirelli Diablo Rosso 3s with a set of Dunlop Mutant Xs.  I was intrigued by the good reviews and the more aggressive tread pattern.

So far I am quite impressed. They ride confidently, with a firmer feel than either the factory Metzlers or Pirellis.  Although subjective, they do seem to feel sharper in the corners.  Haven't had them out in the rain yet, but on the country gravel access road I use daily to get to the chip sealed highway, they definitely hold the bike better.  The promise of some better gravel riding was what sold me on the tires rather than going with a more standard sport touring option. That said they do not appear to be wanting at all on the sealed surfaces. Plus I think they look pretty cool.


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