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 Thank you Beetle and on my MAC - Guzzidiag success

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Join date : 2022-09-30

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PostSubject: Thank you Beetle and on my MAC - Guzzidiag success   Thank you Beetle and on my MAC - Guzzidiag success Icon_minitime1Sun Oct 30, 2022 1:37 pm

Posting this as I have read about other Guzzista's have issues with loading the soft ware onto a MAC.  I used my 2010 Macbook running OS High Sierra or OS10.13 and following the very excellent Beetle directions used Reader V28x64 and Writer VO24 found here. I was able to save my original map and reset the TPS from 5.0 to 4.6.  I had no choice of what to set it at, just pushed the start button in the menu.  It took a lot of battery power from the Norge being on but not running for 15 minutes downloading the original map.  I had another stand alone battery plugged into the ECM and now I know why it is recommended.  You don't want to lose connection in the middle of the procedure for obvious reasons.  After resetting the TPS It started up and seem to run S M O O T H E R and idle now then with the out of spec 5.0 setting. When it stops raining I'll take it for a spin.   😁

From my understanding after the TBS balance I will have to reset the TPS, per beetle instructions.  Wondering how the software knows what to set the TPS at rather than us being able to manually do it? Programming I imagine.

Last edited by SemperVee1 on Sun Oct 30, 2022 10:20 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Pete Roper
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Pete Roper

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Thank you Beetle and on my MAC - Guzzidiag success Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thank you Beetle and on my MAC - Guzzidiag success   Thank you Beetle and on my MAC - Guzzidiag success Icon_minitime1Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:25 pm

The TPS setting is interpretive on the W5AM equipped bikes, (Bellagio excepted.). this is why you must never mess with the throttle stop screw. When the balance is correct it takes the TPS value as a baseline, regardless of its actual voltage output it interprets it as meaning the throttle is open by 'x' degrees.

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PostSubject: Re: Thank you Beetle and on my MAC - Guzzidiag success   Thank you Beetle and on my MAC - Guzzidiag success Icon_minitime1Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:40 pm

Pete Roper wrote:
The TPS setting is interpretive on the W5AM equipped bikes, (Bellagio excepted.). this is why you must never mess with the throttle stop screw. When the balance is correct it takes the TPS value as a baseline, regardless of its actual voltage output it interprets it as meaning the throttle is open by 'x' degrees.

 Thank you Pete.  Since Immersing myself wholly into the semantics not withstanding, comprehension of all things CARC & Guzzista I have gone down the rabbit hole reading  and appreciating so much of what you, Beetle and a few others have shared over the years makes it much easier for us mere mortals to figure out what is going on. In turn we pass on our knowledge to others keeping the flame burning.
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PostSubject: Re: Thank you Beetle and on my MAC - Guzzidiag success   Thank you Beetle and on my MAC - Guzzidiag success Icon_minitime1Sat Nov 12, 2022 5:45 pm

Really does make a difference.   Recent purchase of my 07 Norge - while I love it and it reminds me of riding in the 1970's bike it felt kinda raw and powerfully tractor-ish going down the road.

Finally got around to having decent 40ish degree F sunny weather to get into the garage to do my first CARC Throttle body balance and TPS reset using new tools on Hi Ho Silver w/48,000 previousy miles. With my new Carbtune in hand and (thank you Beetle) NEW Guzzidiag directions now software & Mac connected I got'er done. S M O O T H... even as it was not that far out of compliance and pretty easy to do, now in the rear view mirror. Would have been very challenging to accomplish it without A LOT of reading, some new tools and guiding insight from some very helpful individuals who write directions quite well. Something very difficult to do. Thank you Pete Roper and Beetle.

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PostSubject: Re: Thank you Beetle and on my MAC - Guzzidiag success   Thank you Beetle and on my MAC - Guzzidiag success Icon_minitime1

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