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 Tank decal R/R

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Tank decal R/R Empty
PostSubject: Tank decal R/R   Tank decal R/R Icon_minitime1Sat Nov 05, 2022 10:03 am

Hi out there, I have removed my R/H top tank decal as it was lifting from tank. After removal I noticed that there is a ridge on either side of the decal like it was sprayed over after original install. My question is how to install my new factory vinyl decal within these ridges on the tank. I heard that you can mix soap and water and spray on the tank and then move it around. The decal has a top layer to squeegee the bubbles out and a under layer over the adhesive. It would seem very difficult to leave the upper layer on and get it positioned perfectly between the two ridges on the tank. Anyone out there replace one before?

Thanks in advance

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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Tank decal R/R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tank decal R/R   Tank decal R/R Icon_minitime1Sun Nov 06, 2022 3:53 am

Hi Fuzzy,
I had the same problem with my tank expanding from ethanol. The stripes do have a clear coat on top of them. I tried to replace the stripes without a solution underneath and it was near impossible. I believe you could spray windex on the tank and try and float the new stripes on. Hopefully an expert here will see this and reply. I ended up replacing my tank and lining the new one with Caswell epoxy tank sealer about 7 years ago.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo
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Tank decal R/R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tank decal R/R   Tank decal R/R Icon_minitime1Sat Nov 12, 2022 2:38 pm

Hi there,
If your decal situation is anything like mine on my 2014 SE, your decal was bubbling up along the contour lines of the tank near the front. When the bubbling got bad enough that bursting the bubble with a pinhole and smoothing down the air pocket no longer helped, I took a little more drastic action on my bike...

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I know that 90% of the other GRiSO owners on here will think this looks cheezy, but at least I can sleep nights not worrying about the bubbling anymore.

I figure that I will eventually have to do the same on the other side. When that happens, I will pull the tank and then have it coated and custom painted to get rid of the bubbling once and for all. Otherwise, I think that even if you replace the decal you will end up facing the same issue without coating the tank like another poster said.
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GRiSO Capo
GRiSO Capo

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Tank decal R/R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tank decal R/R   Tank decal R/R Icon_minitime1Sun Nov 13, 2022 3:21 am

You could just cut out that piece that bubbled and put a piece back in and not try and replace the entire thing. I did that for a while in the beginning.
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Tank decal R/R Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tank decal R/R   Tank decal R/R Icon_minitime1

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