Subject: Re: Banging on about throttlebodies...... Wed Nov 23, 2022 1:38 am
Thanks and yes I've seen it, but can't find it here in Norway, - for some reason...
I just found an unverified quote saying "Yes, you can use a MAF cleaner on a throttle body, but you cannot use throttle body cleaner on a MAF. The MAFs are very particular. If you use the wrong kind of cleaner on the MAF sensor and it leaves a residue, it can burn a little wire if it's a hot-wire MAF sensor."
This quote does not disqualify the CRC tbc, but indicates that a MAF cleaner might work on the intake. And MAF cleaners I can find here
Speedfrog Tanabuso
Posts : 84 Join date : 2017-08-12
Subject: Re: Banging on about throttlebodies...... Wed Nov 23, 2022 12:16 pm
There is no such thing as “MAF safe throttle body cleaner”.. You can find MAF sensor cleaner OR Throttle Body cleaner. Would a MAF sensor cleaner efficiently clean the mechanical part of your throttle body? Maybe... Knowing the GRiSO doesn’t have a MAF sensor, would a regular throttle body cleaner be harmful to the TPS? Would removing the TPS prior to using a throttle body cleaner be ok? It would be useful to hear from the folks that have done this cleaning procedure successfully to know what product they used and how they went about it.
lcjohnny GRiSO Capo
Posts : 1470 Join date : 2016-01-25 Age : 69
Subject: Re: Banging on about throttlebodies...... Wed Nov 23, 2022 12:32 pm
I took my throttle bodies off disconnected the tubes from the stepper motor controlled airbleed took out the brass airscrews and used carburettor cleaner with a thin pipe brish and cocktail sticks to clean out the gum from the drillings.
However if you just want to spray some solvent into the airbox in the hope that it may go somewhere useful... then at the same time as you remove the airfilter you can remove the GRiSO hot-wire MAF (Mass Air Flow Sensor) from the top of the airbox before you spray in the ether or after shave
beetle GRiSO Capo
Posts : 10150 Join date : 2013-09-30
Subject: Re: Banging on about throttlebodies...... Wed Nov 23, 2022 12:56 pm
lcjohnny wrote:
However if you just want to spray some solvent into the airbox in the hope that it may go somewhere useful... then at the same time as you remove the airfilter you can remove the GRiSO hot-wire MAF (Mass Air Flow Sensor) from the top of the airbox before you spray in the ether or after shave
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Speedfrog Tanabuso
Posts : 84 Join date : 2017-08-12
Subject: Re: Banging on about throttlebodies...... Wed Nov 23, 2022 3:18 pm
Thanks lcjohnny, I think removing the throttle bodies to clean them on the bench would yield the best results. Removing all electronic components before using TB cleaner evidently seems like safe insurance not to "fuckemup". There is no MAF sensor on a GRiSO afaik, but there is an air temperature sensor in the airbox which might be sensitive to solvent based cleaner.
I must admit, I'm a greenhorn as far as CARC mechanics but not to all mechanical things and I'm eager to learn to take care of my bike the best I can. Shared knowledge is a beautiful thing and I have been lurking(learning) here on this forum for quite some time and if there is one thing I learned, there is no more generous person in the Guzzi world to share their knowledge and expertise than Pete Roper and when Mr Roper writes about the importance of cleaning and maintaining your TB, you pay attention.
Obviously, not everyone wanting to undertake such maintenance for the first time is confident about procedures and products involved, hence some simple questions to which the answers might seem evident to the experienced but road blocks to the novice. Isn't that what machine specific forums are all about?
So I guess I'll ask again to all the knowledgable folks out there for the interests of the uninitiated: _ What product do you use and recommend to clean TB's? _ What is the best way to go about this cleaning procedure?
Looking forward to more useful answers... TIA
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Bill Dee Tanabuso
Posts : 77 Join date : 2020-08-26
Subject: Re: Banging on about throttlebodies...... Thu Nov 24, 2022 6:59 pm
Would you guys please name some products that are safe to use ?
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lcjohnny GRiSO Capo
Posts : 1470 Join date : 2016-01-25 Age : 69
Subject: Re: Banging on about throttlebodies...... Fri Nov 25, 2022 4:44 am
beetle wrote:
What drugs are you on?
Only alcohol and caffeine
I thought the temp sensor on top of the airbox acted as a hot wire MAF? - does it just read intake temp ?
If it just reads temp then how does the ECU calculate fuel to air?
Surely it can't be a guess (look up table) from the throttle plate angle?
Bill Hagan GRiSO Capo
Posts : 1732 Join date : 2014-07-03
Subject: Re: Banging on about throttlebodies...... Fri Nov 25, 2022 4:47 am
I woke up this morning and, to avoid cleaning up the battlefield and shooting the wounded of a Thanksgiving gathering involving three of our grand hellions, decided to check out some Guzzi forums.
Then, having seen this thread but not previously having the interest to read it, just started at the top and plowed through.
As a confirmed "shaved ape and Harry-home-tune type," I now sit here suitably depressed.
On the bright side, I have an excuse to leave the house and its mess to Kathi and wander down to the Moto Grappa to see what evil lurks in my inventory of "That Looks Good, So I'll Buy It" shelves of various solvents.
Actually, I am less concerned about my GRiSO in this regard -- an admission of how often I've cleaned its TB's -- than the V7's with what I understand to be their integrated ECU's and TB's.
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GuzziSteve Fra Cristoforo
Posts : 808 Join date : 2016-04-14
Subject: Re: Banging on about throttlebodies...... Fri Nov 25, 2022 8:57 am
I use good ole carb cleaner becouse there is none of that sensor crap in a GRiSO TB. All bullshit in my eyes. I do this every 10K miles on the EV, and still use the original TPS I set in 07 and it's still perfect. I don't take anything apart but airscrews out & use a bent tooth brush. If you want to be real lazy just do the airscrews AND clean the hole.
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beetle GRiSO Capo
Posts : 10150 Join date : 2013-09-30
Subject: Re: Banging on about throttlebodies...... Fri Nov 25, 2022 12:30 pm
lcjohnny wrote:
I thought the temp sensor on top of the airbox acted as a hot wire MAF? - does it just read intake temp ?
Yes, it's just a simple temperature sensor.
Quote :
If it just reads temp then how does the ECU calculate fuel to air?
Surely it can't be a guess (look up table) from the throttle plate angle?
That's exactly how it works. Lookup tables. That's why touching the sacred screw is a no-no. It's set on a flow bench in the factory. The flow rate is thusly known, and lookup tables are all that is required.
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lcjohnny GRiSO Capo
Posts : 1470 Join date : 2016-01-25 Age : 69
Subject: Re: Banging on about throttlebodies...... Fri Nov 25, 2022 12:46 pm
Pete Roper GRiSO Capo
Posts : 10635 Join date : 2013-05-29 Age : 67
Subject: Re: Banging on about throttlebodies...... Fri Nov 25, 2022 3:05 pm
Yup, it's a very simple system and if you don't screw about with it it works well. There is an air pressure sensor in the dash and intake air temp allows the ecu to use the tables to establish density.
The 1400's I believe do use a MAF sensor of some sort, (Mark?' In the plenum but the W5AM is really stone axe simple.
This is though why keeping up with TB maintenance is so important.
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beetle GRiSO Capo
Posts : 10150 Join date : 2013-09-30
Subject: Re: Banging on about throttlebodies...... Fri Nov 25, 2022 4:54 pm
Pete Roper wrote:
The 1400's I believe do use a MAF sensor of some sort, (Mark?' In the plenum but the W5AM is really stone axe simple.
MAP (manifold absolute pressure) sensor in Guzzi's with the 7SM/MIUG/11MP ECU. Cali/V7I-II-III-850/V85.